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At the battle of Terra Cyclonia, Lightning Strike leads the other Storm Hawks in a bold charge against the Cyclonian Empire. After intense and bloody fighting, the Storm Hawks reach the entrance to the Cyclonian Palace.

Lightning Strike: All right everyone! This is it! If we can capture Master Anarchis, then we can end the threat of the Cyclonian Empire once and for all!

Ace and the other Storm Hawks cheered for their leader. Soon, other Sky Knight Squadrons rallied by the entrance.

Harrier: It seems your bold plan has worked!

Lightning Strike: It's not over yet Harrier! We may have gotten through the Cyclonian fleet, this battle is far from over!

Ace: Do you think we can take down Anarchis?

Lightning Strike: We've gone this far my friend. Let's finish this!

Ace: Aye!

Lightning Strike and Ace shook hands. After that, Lightning Strike pulled out his Two Handed Crystal Blade and raises it in the air. This causes Ace and the rest of the Sky Knights to cheer.

Lightning Strike: FOR ATMOS!

Lightning Strike then lets out an unearthly roar as he leads the Sky Knight coalition inside the Cyclonian Palace. Meanwhile in the throne room, Master Anarchis looks on the Sky Knights enter her palace. A Talon Commander enters the throne room.

Talon Commander: Master Anarchis! Sky Knights have breached the palace!

Master Anarchis: They will fall soon enough. Escort my granddaughter to the bunker.

Talon Commander: As you wish!

As the Talon Commander prepared to escort Cyclonis to the bunker, Lightning Strike and Ace fought through what seemed an endless number of Cyclonian Talons. In the battle, many Sky Knights fell in the battle. Ace sees a Talon ready to strike down an unaware Lightning.

Ace: Lightning! Look out!

Ace then attacks the Talon with his Crystal Blade, saving Lightning's life as he takes down another Talon.

Lightning Strike: And this is why you're my co-pilot!

Lightning and Ace along with the Storm Hawks and the Sky Knight coalition continue to push through the palace. During the assault, Ace sees the Talon Commander pulling on the young Cyclonis.

Cyclonis: Let me go!

Talon Commander: This is for your safety Master Cyclonis! This is the will of your grandmother!

Cyclonis then kicks the Talon Commander in the knee and begins running away. As the Talon Commander begins to chase her, Ace sees this and begins chasing after them. Eventually, the Talon Commander corners Cyclonis.

Cyclonis: Leave me alone!

As the Talon Commander lunges at Cyclonis, the commander is attacked by Ace.

Talon Commander: Argh! Fucking Sky Knights!

Ace: You're not harming her! Get out of here!

Ace and the Talon Commander engage in an intense duel. In the fight, the Talon Commander overpowers Ace. As the Commander prepares to kill Ace, Cyclonis sees a piece of debris and throws it at the Commander.

Cyclonis: Leave him alone!

As the Talon Commander was about to lash out at Cyclonis, Ace reaches for his Crystal Blade and strikes down the Talon Commander. After that, Ace slowly approaches Cyclonis. Cyclonis was scared at first.

Ace: It's okay little one. I'm not going to hurt you.....

Ace reaches out to Cyclonis. After a moment of hesitation, Cyclonis takes his hand.

Ace: What's your name?

Cyclonis: Cycl....Lark....

Ace: You're safe Lark. I'm Ace.

Just as Ace introduced himself, Lightning came in. Seeing Lightning nearly scared Lark.

Ace: It's okay Lark. He's a friend.

Lightning Strike: The Cyclonians are swarming us! We need to reach Master Anarchis and take her down!

Lark: I can take you to her.

Ace: Are you sure?

Lark nodded her head and began running. Lightning and Ace followed her. Eventually, Lark leads the two Sky Knights to the entrance of the Cyclonian Throne room.

Ace: Thank you Lark. Go hide.

With that being said, Lark began running for a hiding place. Lightning and Ace prepared their weapons for a fight.

Lightning Strike: This is it my friend. We take her down, we end the war.

Ace: I got your back old friend.

Lightning Strike: I know. Let's do this.

Lightning and Ace soon entered the throne room to find Master Anarchis waiting for them.

Master Anarchis: So you're the one leading this sad little rabble? Why am I not surprised?

Lightning Strike: It's over Anarchis! Your reign of terror ends this day! You've lost!

Master Anarchis: Have I? As we speak, your little Sky Knight coalition is being wiped out by my Talons. Your Storm Hawks along with it.

Lightning Strike: You underestimate us Anarchis!

Master Anarchis: It's time I ended this little rebellion.....

Master Anarchis then gets off of her throne and begins attacking the two Sky Knights with her Crystal Sorcery. Despite the valiant effort, Lightning and Ace were hopelessly outmatched. The wounded Lightning turns to Ace.

Lightning Strike: Ace.....go.....

Ace: No! I'm not leaving you behind!

Lightning Strike: Go! This is my last order! Take my sword.....

Lightning then gives Ace his sword. Ace refused to leave his Squadron leader and his friend behind to face Anarchis by himself.

Ace: Lightning.....

Lightning then pushes Ace out of the room and uses his Lightning Claw attack to destroy the entrance, blocking Ace from getting in.

Ace: Lightning! Lightning!

Lightning Strike: Find the girl and get out of here! I'll hold her off! That's an order!

Ace was torn between his orders and his loyalty to his friend. Eventually, Ace comes to a decision.

Ace: It's been an honor....

The two men nodded in self respect as Ace began to run in search for Lark. He could hear Lightning's screams as he fought off Anarchis. Eventually, he finds Lark in the hanger bay.

Lark: Ace?

Ace: We're getting out of here Lark!

Ace then closes the door behind him and barricades it. After that, he gets on a Skimmer and starts it.

Ace: We have to go!

Lark: Where....where are we going?

Ace: Away from here....

As Ace said that, he could hear people breaking down the door. Fearing the thought of having to go back to her grandmother, Lark gets on the Skimmer with Ace. As they escape, Ace took one final look at the Cyclonian Palace and saw Master Anarchis standing at the edge of the hanger. From that moment, Ace swore to protect Lark no matter the cost. And the mission would start in the Far Side of Atmos.

The Last Storm Hawk: The Tale Of Lark & AceWhere stories live. Discover now