The Fateful Day Marvel Met DC

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So, this is my first ever story! I have Not made this by myself though! I've had the help of other authors! Great, amazing ones at that! Their names will be down at the bottom. This is a continuation of the "My Baby Spider" by ThatOneGirl. The chapter of the story is "Thanksgiving with the Fam". It's an amazing Marvel story and the author, ThatOneGirl, is a gifted and generous person. This Oneshot was written by me, Jasper_Player123, and four other wonderful people. They definitely deserve the credit. I-Larb-U-3000 gave me the courage to post this, so I dedicate this chapter to her, and every other author that made this comment story come true! Sorry, Enjoy!

It was Thanksgiving and everyone was saying what they were thankful for. Peter said, "I'm thankful that there are no more little kids." Cause you know, rough Hydra past, killing...innocent little kids....

Everyone turned to face him. "Peter?" That was Wanda. 

"Hmm?" He asked without words. 

"There are, like, five little kids here." 

Oh. He didn't realize that. He counted the kids in the room, "There's only four though. Cassie, Lila, Cooper, and Nate." 

That's when Natasha decided to speak up. "And Clint. You can't forget Clint."

Clint was offended! "Hey! I am not a kid!"

Everyone was laughing a little. "I'm not!" 

Laura turned to him, "Sure you're not, Hawkeye." She tried to hide a laugh but didn't succeed. 

That's when Clint was done with it. He picked up an empty plate and piled as much food on it as it could carry. "Fine! If you guys won't treat me with respect, then I won't hang out with you people! I'm gonna go up to the vent!" Clint cried out. 

He was hurt, everyone was laughing at him. He ran off with his plate of food and disappeared into the vents.

"Great we spooked of the poor bird!" Said Natasha's wild voice. 

No one really cared, they were all still laughing their heads off. Peter and Wanda were the only ones that turned to Natasha and listened. They looked at each other, even though there weren't any words said, they knew they had to make Clint feel better. Wait. Or did they use a mind link thingy?

Peter and Wanda climbed into the vents and Peter started to click his tongue. Wanda gave him a weird look, but said nothing. It could work, who knows? 

"Uncle Clint? Are you here?" Peter yelled.

And Clint, who was very obviously there, replied with a simple "No." He started to cry. 

Peter needed to comfort him, so he went to Clint. Wanda didn't know what to do, so she stayed back.

When Peter reached Clint, he pat Clint's back comforting. "It's okay, it's okay..." 

Wanda stared at them thinking, "What the fuck is going on?!"

Even though she was pretty sure they weren't paying attention, she still told them that she was going back down. Right before she jumped down she heard Peter's voice say, "It's going to be okay my little birdie, it's going to be okay."

When she got down, she gathered some food on a plate and left. Her last words before she left were, "There's some weird shit going on up there. . . I'm going to watch some Pocahontas." And with that she left. 

And you know, Steve being Steve said, "Language!" 

They then heard a familiar scream from the vents, Clint's scream, and, oh boy, that was not good. His blood curdling scream made all of them stand up in horror. "DON'T WORRY! WE'RE OKAY!" Peter screamed back. 

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