As Days Fade, And Nights Grow (Ferard One-Shot)

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a/n i started writing this at skool, during math so if you see any math terms i sometimes write wjat i hear. plz let me know. same if you see any lyrics cuz im listening to music while i finish. as i typed this i noticed its way better than alot of my stories. math must help the creative process. this is as far as i had gotten at school but next time i get on i'll continue

Frank's P.O.V.

I stumbled down the alley in my half drunken state. This was probably not a good idea -- a short, drunk guy, stumbling down a dark ally -- but you know I don't have much to live for. No friends or family. Crappy life because everyone in this stupid town is homophobic. If someone killed me they'd be doing everyone a favor, including me.

As I fell down the alley I thought I heard a sound, but brushed it off.

"Hello. . ." I thought I heard the wind whisper. Hoping the voices in my head would go away, I kept walking. Suddenly the light at the end of the alley disappeared, and I couldvaugly make-out the silhouette of a man in front of me. "Hello." he said.

Looking up at him I noticed his eyes were glowing red in the dard. I backed up a few steps, immediatly sobering up.

"I'm sorry," he mumbled, casting his eyes down, "did I frighten you?"

"Wh-what are you?" I stuttered in response.

"Me?" he disappeared with a smudge of color. "What do you think I am?" I heard his voice whisper in my ear. I shivered in both delight and the tickle of his breath on my neck. I swung around as fast as I could now seeing him completly. He had black hair that ended just below his ears, and he was wearing black pants, a back button up and a bood-red tie. "Why do you run?" he asked in a voice that almost sounded like a little kid, a look of hurt on his face.

"I-I don't know you and you're eyes are r-red," I stuttered back helplessly.

"You can't tell what I am?" he asked, raising an eyebrow in amusement.


He disappeared once more and I heard his voice from behind me, "I am called many things."

I whirled around once more. "What do you mean?" I demanded.

"I'm sure if you think hard enough you'll figure it out." He smirked and two, long canines glittered in the light.

"F-fangs?" I stuttered, falling back a few steps. "You're a vampire?" It was more a statement than a question. He nodded once and I took off running in the other direction; straight into the darkness of the alley. I came to a sudden stop when I ran straight into somone's chest. Looking up I saw the glowing red of the vampire's eyes.

"Yes I am." I opened my mouth to scream, but nothing came out. "I won't hurt you."

"Won't hurt me?" I practically yelled. "Of course you'll hurt me. You're a vampire!"

"Hurt you? No. Other humans? Maybe drink their blood, but I've never killed anyone," then he mumbled an "on purpose" so quiet I could barely hear.

"Why not hurt me?" I asked curiously.

"I have my reasons," he said disappearing again. This guy is really making me mad with all his disappearing and reappearing. He's like a flippin magician.

"You-" I cut myself off not wanting to anger the dangerous vampire I couldn't even see.

Suddenlyhis arms were around my waiste and his head nuzzling the crook of my neck. "What about me?" he asked in a deep voice.

I gasped in pleasure. "Yo-you need to stop," I breathed.

"Stop what?" he whispered in my ear.

"Stop. . . stop disappearing and reappearing."

"I think I can do that," he murmered and kissed my neck, letting out a possesive growl.

"I-I thought you said you wouldn't hurt me?" I asked worridly.

"I won't hurt you," he confirmed.

"Then what are you doing?"

He sighed deeply and paused before answering: "I'm smelling you."

"Why?" I asked, finally not whispering and breaking the moment.

"I've waited for you for centuries," he informed me sadly. "Can I at least smell my mate?" he asked so quietly, I'm not sure I heard him right.

"Uh. . ." I trailed off, not knowing how to respond.

"What's your name?" he asked me. "Wait." He thought for a second, "is it Frank?"

"Now that's just creepy," I responded. I fellt him smile into my neck.

"I'm Gerard."

"Uh. . . hello Gerard?" I said, my brain practically mush because of Gerard's proximity.

He chuckled quietly before spinning me around so quickly, I didn't notice he'd connected our lips. When I finally came back to Earth, I started moving my lips against his. Who is this man -- excuse me -- vampire, kissing me? And why am I kissing him back?

He is one hot vamp, but I just met him! Awe, eff it.

I ran my hand through his hair, bringing his mouth closer in the process. His tounge ran across my bottom lip and I immediatly granted access.

After letting him explore my mouth for a few minutes, I decided to do a little exploring of my own. My tounge nicked his fang and I tasted blood on it. As soon as he tasted the blood he pulled away, a look of pure euphoria (a/n sorry if i used that word wrong) on his face.

"Gerard?" I mumbled timidly, knowing he would hear.

"Hmm?" He finally focused on me, "oh, I'm sorry, but I couldn't risk it."

"Risk what?"

"Biting you. You just had something that was leaking blood in my mouth," he said sarcastically.

"Sorry," I apologized sheepishly.

"Stick your tounge out," he ordered. I gave him a questioning look, but cautiosly did it causign him to lick my tounge.

"That feels weird," I commented, screwing up my face. "Why did you do that?"

"To heal it. The cut should be gone now." I nodded once.

"Wait. . . Did you say I was you're mate?"

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