You Complete Me {SHINee One-Shot for xxQueen_of_Angstxx}

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Missing someone you really love is probably one of the worst feelings a person can experience. It feels like there's a hole in your heart that only that special person can fill...And Jinki knows that feeling. He experiences it every day. His heart is aching and no one can help. No one except her. That one girl that he can't have. Because she was simply too far away. And that broke his heart.

He was so used to having her around, being able to hold her hand, to randomly kiss her and tell her that he loved her, to be able to take one single glance at her and know that she was the one for him...Now that was all gone.

She had left so suddenly. She didn't even say goodbye. She left a note, claiming it would be too hard to leave if she had said it face to face...He wished he could simply see her face one more time. Then maybe he would be able to move on. Just a recent picture or even a glance at her beautiful face...

He might actually be able to get some sleep too. At night, he'll have a dream about her. Remembering her, smiling and laughing. Only to wake up alone, sad and upset, wishing it were still real.

It sometimes got so bad that he forgot to eat. Since she left, he'd lost some weight. His roommates were also worried about him.

"She wouldn't like seeing you like this, hyung." Minho had said.

"It'll be alright, hyung. Please don't be like this." Taemin had said.

"If she left the way she did, then it's for the better." Kibum had said.

What Jonghyun had said simply drove him mad. "I say good riddance. You don't need her. You'll be fine without her." Jinki had blown up, taking him by his shirt and screaming in his face. The other members had to pull him back. This wasn't like him, and he knew it.

There wasn't a day that had gone by that he hadn't shed at least a few tears. When her face comes into his mind, when he sees someone that looks like her, or even when he hears her name...He feels like he can't breathe. It's times like this he wishes he could crawl into a ball and just hide from the world.

It was that bad.

One day, though, he was sitting in his room, watching the rain drops race each other down his window. Key came in and handed him a letter, "You might want to read that." He said, leaving the room without another word.

Onew glanced down at the letter. He would've ignored it, but the name on it caught his attention greatly. He picked it up and couldn't believe whose name was on the return address...It was her. It was really her!

He impatiently tore open the envelope, curious and anxious as to what was inside. As he unfolded the note, he immediately read the letter, his eyes scanning the paper quickly.


             I am really sorry I left you the way I did. I really am. If I said it to your face, it would have been a million times harder. I'm also sorry for not writing to you. It just didn't seem right.

             I chose to write to you now because...well...I'm coming back to Korea! Isn't that great? If you don't mind, I'd really like to see you again. I'm permanently staying in Korea, so we have nothing to worry about. So I'd really love to continue where we left off. I understand if you moved on though. I wouldn't be surprised if you did for how long I was gone.

              If you do wanna see me again though, lets meet at that chicken place we always used to go to. Meet me there this Friday at 3:00 pm. I will be there.


She had written him...She had actually written him! And she wanted to meet up again...She was back in Korea...She was back!

He was so excited and so thrilled that he didn't know what to do. What day was it?...It was Monday...He'd have to wait all week just to see her. He didn't know if he could wait that long.

He jumped out of his chair and threw his arms up in the air, cheering happily. He even kissed the letter he was so happy.

As soon as he did so, though, he heard a grumbling sound. He looked around, but saw nothing. He heard it again and looked down to his stomach, and he realized how hungry he was. "Key!!!" He called, running out of the room, happy for the first time since she left.


It seemed like Friday would never come. Every day until then, he got up, did his morning routine, and went out to practice dancing and singing to pass the time. By the end of the week, he had made his band mates exhausted.

He, too, was a little tired. But he was so excited about Friday that he didn't care. But when Friday finally arrived, he woke up early and spent almost 2 hours on his appearance, a longer time than Key ever had, surprisingly.

When 2:45 came, he headed out to meet her. The closer he got, the more nervous he got. Did she really mean what she said? What if she forgot to meet him? What if he said the wrong thing? All the things that could go wrong floated around in his head, making it seem like a scary and impossible task to see her again. But with how much he missed her, he wouldn't stop now for the world.

He entered the chicken shop exactly four minutes early. He hadn't been here since she left. Which was very strange for Onew, since he was, as everyone called it, a chicken maniac. He sat at his favorite table and waited for her to arrive.

A few minutes after 3:00 and the bell rang at the doorway, signaling someone had entered the shop. He looked toward the door and that's when he saw her. She had barely changed. The same long, beautiful hair that he had always admired. Her style of dress was the same, being the non-girly-girl she was. None of her beauty had faded. He still found her gorgeous...

Her eyes scanned the place until her eyes landed on him. They lit up and her cheeks turned a light pink. She walked over gracefully. He couldn't seem to take his eyes off her.

He stood as she neared, practically towering over her. "You came." She stated nervously, a small smile tugging at her lips. "Of course I did. Why wouldn't I?" Onew replied, sort of nervous himself. "Because of the way I left..." She answered, as if it were obvious. She still felt really guilty about it. She regretted ever leaving in the first place. Onew had different views though...

He didn't blame her. She had good reason to leave. He didn't necessarily like the way she left...But none of that mattered. All that mattered now was that they were together again.

"It's okay." He assured her. She looked up at him with a surprised look. "Really?" She asked. He nodded, "You're back now, so definitely." He smiled a bright smile at her, causing her cheeks to turn pink again.

"Danbi." She looked up at him yet again. He smiled and blushed a little, pulling her into his warm embrace. She stiffened, a bit surprised at first. But after a second, she wrapped her arms around him. It felt so right to Onew. It was as if the hole in his heart was being filled as they stood there. He no longer felt empty inside. He actually felt content and happy.

He pulled away slightly, just so he could look directly into her eyes. Her beautiful brown eyes which he could never get tired of staring into.

"You complete me." He told her, and leaned in to give her a passionate but gentle kiss.


(A/N: Surprise!! Haha, didn't see this coming, did you? I thought it'd be nice since you're such a nice person. Yes I realize how cheesy I am being right now but hey, you deserve it. Hope it was worth reading xD)

You Complete Me {SHINee One-Shot for xxQueen_of_Angstxx}Where stories live. Discover now