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So I have a thing or two to state about this particular one. Firstly, there may a bit of some spoilers for some of the Marvel movies. However, since I am taking the route of alternate universe, some, if not all, of what I type could be just from my own personal AU world. So some things may be spoilers, and some things may just be from what I thought would work for this particular scenario. YOU DECIDE haha!

Another thing I should point out, is that in this one, the reader will have just given birth about a month or so before the 1st scene. So, to keep this as gender inclusive as I could, I have to that if you cannot physically get pregnant I am going to have to ask that you please just imagine that Loki did some of his Loki magic and it somehow leading to you getting pregnant. The only reason I say this in particular is because that god has been pregnant in the past, and I don't think it to be too much of a stretch to believe that, in case you wanted children, he would try to make the same happen to you. Also, seeing as you were the one that gave birth, regardless of gender, your children will call you móðir.

I apologize if that makes you uncomfortable, but if it does then this is your last warning before I go on. Also that all the nicknames that I use towards the end, as far as my research led me to believe, are all gender neutral, and the picture at the end inspired a bit of this chapter. Now that, that info has been shared, let's FINALLY get to the story!

Thor and Loki were chatting as they walked down the corridor of the castle. They had just returned from a mission and were excited to tell you their "baby mama", as Thor had picked up from his visits to Earth, about their most recent adventure. They, of course, knew you were going a bit stir crazy, but the realms needed protecting, and you were still just getting back to recovering your former strength after being pregnant, and then giving birth.

However, that excitement died down as soon as they saw you hug two strangely familiar men. Loki pulled Thor behind a pillar as the man seemed to want to storm forward and confront the men, but Loki thought it best to observe the situation first. That was until they had noticed that you kissing their cheeks before walking away from the two, and into your children's bedroom, to care for them, as they began to cry. The two men just smiled before waving you off and making their way in the direction of Thor and Loki. The two gods stepped out from the pillars and as the two strangers noticed them, their happy smiles turned to scowls.

"Well look who it is Nar, the god of thunder and the god of mischief was it?" spoke the more bulky and taller of the two men with blond hair and familiar eyes.

"I would say they actually are more like the god of being too loud, and the god of lies, Mag." said the slimmer and just slightly shorter of the two strangers with the raven hair and the same eyes as the former.

"How dare you address us like that in our own home!" Thor roared.

Loki just scowled, "What gives you two strangers the right to talk as such to royalty?"

The men just looked at each other with smirks before looking at the two gods and Thor and Loki could not help but feel like they should know these two men. Though, the anger they felt at their spouse being so close and touchy with these two men just made the clear signs just fly over their heads.

"We would tell you," Nar, the second stranger began.

"But where is the fun in that?" Mag, the first stranger, finished for Narfi.

Their smirks went to further the rage in the two gods in front of them and they pulled out their weapons, Thor with his Stormbreaker, and Loki with his daggers.

The smirks stayed on the two strangers faces as they materialized a long deadly spear, for Nar, and a double edged sword, for Mag, and each had a round, meter wide shield that was highly decorated with battle scenes and events that the two gods had no knowledge of. The state of their weapons and the combination with their shields, however, showed Thor and Loki that these two men were skilled warriors and were able to have access to high quality materials that equaled their own weapons.

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