Chapter one

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Shae's POV
I sigh as I hop out of my Ford and grab two bags from the passenger side. Holding both of them in the same hand I ring the doorbell and then take a glance at the place that will soon be my new home.
A few seconds later a gruff voice startles me back into reality. "What do you want," the voice demands. I turn around to find a good looking guy that radiates toughness.
"Drake?" I ask, feeling very confused. Well, the last time I saw the guy was a few years ago before he moved to the city to live with his mom for a while. When he still had that innocent, I-religiously-go-to-church-every-Sunday feel to him. I was surprised at how much he changed in those few years.
"Yeah, what about it," he spits back, stopping my train of thought.
"Is your dad around? I need to talk to him about some things." I say back, trying to be nice even though his crabbiness is making me annoyed.
"I'll go get him. Be right back. Oh, and I guess you can come in." I silently slip in and look around, trying not to be too obvious about it. Then he stalks off to go find his dad, leaving me alone with my thoughts.
Gosh, when I think about it, it's been about 4 years since I set foot in here. That was the day mine and Drakes fling ended. We parted on good terms, still being friends, but I still never came over. I think our parents were more upset about the split than we were. When we were little, they used to joke about how we would grow up, get married, have a few kids, and settle down on the outskirts of a small town. How much detail they put into it was a little scary.
"Shae! I'm so sorry for your loss," Charlie shouts as he wraps me in a nearly suffocating bear hug. "How ya doin'?"
"I'm okay, how you feeling," I ask my god father.
"Purty good," he says as a response. "Now, I'm guessing you want to see your room,"
I nod my head to indicate yes.
"Drake, take her bags and bring her to the guest room," he says, then looking at my measly amount of luggage, looks at me and asks if that's all I'm bringing.
"Yeah, I just took the basics, and other important stuff,"I respond. Charlie just nods and then shoots a pointed look at his son as to say 'get moving'. Drake takes the hint then jerks his head to the side, indicating me to follow. He leads me up two flights of stairs, down a hall, to the last door on the right. Then he opens the door, sets my bags on the bed, and then turns to me and says " you have your own bathroom there,"he says, pointing at a door on the far side of the room. "The kitchens downstairs by the living room. If you got any questions then ask my dad," he states then leaves the room, shutting the door after him.
I flop down on the bed, then decide to unpack. I shove my clothes in the dresser by the bed (hey I never said I was a tidy person) and set a few things from my parents, including a thin gold chain with a diamond rose hanging on it that I got from my mom when I turned 12. Then I set a picture of my family up on the nightstand, and then passed out just staring at that picture.
Short ish chapter I know but this was kinda a experimental chapter. Please tell me what you think!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2014 ⏰

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