Chapter 2

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Max's POV

I woke up the next morning and stared at Alyssa and Diana for a minute to find out what they were dreaming. Diana was dreaming about unicorns and rainbows. Weird. And Alyssa was dreaming about swimming and our tails. She was having a few doubts about it. She liked it, but she didn't know how to hide it. She had gotten wet in a place where she had nowhere to hide and her tail came up in front of a crowd of people. I can't imagine what it would be like if that happened. We'd end up as science experiments in a lab. Scientists would probe up and test our tails and force us to use our powers so they could test what happened to the water when we used our powers on it. We had to learn the best way to hide it and fast. I couldn't let us be discovered. We had to hide our tails.

I got up and walked into Alyssa's bathroom and ran a comb through my matted hair. I went back into her bedroom and decided to wake up Alyssa and Diana. I went ahead and woke up Diana. Might as well get her up so she can help me wake up Alyssa. Alyssa is the heaviest sleeper I've ever met. She could sleep through a tornado. I'm not kidding, one time a tornado siren was going off and Megan tried to wake her up for a minute or two then finally gave up and carried her into the basement.

I walked over and lightly shook Diana. "Diana, wake up."

"Go away." She turned over and snuggled her teddy bear closer to her.

"You really want to start off your day with a tail?" I questioned with a raised eyebrow.

She flipped back over an looked at me. "You wouldn't."

"Yes, I would." She immediately got out of her sleeping bag. "Wanna help me wake up Alyssa?"

She thought for a moment. "No thanks."

"Think again. You're helping me." I put my hand toward Alyssa's fish tank and pulled up a bubble of water.

"Okay, okay. I'll help. Just don't throw that at me." She backed away toward Alyssa's bed. She started to gently shake her and I rolled my eyes.

I walked over to them and started to scream at Alyssa. "Alyssa wake up!" Nothing. I started to viciously shake her as I continued to scream at her. "Get up!" Still nothing. I slapped her a little bit and... nothing. Told you she was a heavy sleeper. "Back up," I warned Diana. She did as I said and I pulled up a bubble of water. I pulled it toward Alyssa and threw it on her, gently. She sat up and started to blow it off her face.

She grew a tail and glared at me. "Really?" I shrugged innocently as she dried her tail.

"You weren't waking up, so I went to extreme measures."

"Splashing me is not extreme measures, it's going too far. You should have slapped me awake."

"I tried that, it didn't work. Water was the last resort."

Alyssa looked at Diana with a "is she telling the truth" look on her face. Diana is she lying? Alyssa thought toward Diana. No, she even tried screaming at you. Nothing worked, Diana thought back. Thank you, Diana, I thought and Diana smiled. "Wait, you heard all of that? That was supposed to be a private conversation," Alyssa whined.

"Not when all of us can read minds." I shot back.

"Whatever." She put her feet on the floor and started to walk down to the kitchen. She got in there and pulled out a box of cereal, three bowls, and a just of milk.

"How are we going to clean these dishes without getting wet?" Diana asked.

"I guess I could use my power," I suggested.

"What if someone comes down while we're cleaning them?"

"One of you will have to look out. If someone does come down, you tell me through mind reading and I'll stop."

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