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~Amelia's Perspective~

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~Amelia's Perspective~

I got home from my morning class, drained for the day. It isn't even three yet, and I'm beyond exhausted. Luckily my second class had been canceled. If there's one thing I love about college is the unexpected cancelations. I had it planned out to study for an upcoming test in math.

I can feel myself beginning to be defeated by all the assignments and crap. I know it's only going to get harder the further along I get.

Just before Ellie came in through the bedroom doors with her usual bright grin, I texted Trevor that I would for sure be there for the gender reveal. All I need is the details. "Oh, there you are." She began.

"Where were you?" I questioned her.

"Trixi and I went shopping, we ran into Jackson, and guess what? I'm going to a party with him tomorrow." Her smile is bright. "He also said Friday night he could take me out. You should come." She sits on my bed.

"I'm not coming to your date." I mock.

"Not my date. The party." She explained, making me wish she would've phrased that better. "I heard Chase Is going to be there too." As soon as she said his name, my eyes lit up, but then I remembered I can't, not after what I recently saw.

"No, I have a lot of work to do." I frown back down at my book.

She pops her gum and touches my hair. I tucked it away from her, expecting her to speak about my slipt ends. "You don't come out with me anymore." Her mouth slants to the side.

"You've been around Trixi and Delilah." I remind her. Due to the latest events, I made it a mission to avoid Delilah. I attempt to hide the jealousy of my cousin being ripped from my possession. Her last week is coming up, and yet she hasn't considered what I may want to do with her.

She has always been like that. Times when we were left in the house together waiting for either my mom or her parents to come, she would always end up playing dress up when I wanted to play Barbie or house. I never found it to be a problem then. She had it worst than me. She may have both her parents, but her father, Ritchie, was the worst.

She backs up and gets off the bed. "What's wrong with them?"

I sigh and look back up from my book. "Nothing. Nothing is." I try to stop myself from saying something disrespectful, but I am sure Trixi always says disrespectful things about me. It makes me wonder if she ever talks bad about me to Ellie.

"What's wrong with you? You've been acting like this since last week. The whole week you've been distant."

The image of Chase in the bathroom pops into my head. "Can you just go; I have a lot of work to do," I ordered her.

She stood silent in my presence, then sighed. "I'm going to hang in Trixi's room while you cool down."

"Fine, go." There's enough going on in my life for me not to hang out with them. For one, I have to wait for Nolan in order for us to be off the break. I know I still love him and am willing to restore what we had. But does he still love me the way he said he does?

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