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Susan and Mary walked off excusing themselves from the conversation

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Susan and Mary walked off excusing themselves from the conversation. I didn't mind considering I couldn't find Chase anywhere. If they hadn't excused themselves, I would've. only to look for him.

Celeste wobbles over to me and hands me a slip of paper. "Don't forget to put in your vote, winners gets a gift bag. And take one for Chase as well. If you can find him." She cheers excitedly. I know she's more than anxious to know the gender of her baby.

I smiled taking the papers from her before walking off. He could be anywhere for all I know. Maybe he left me here and he went to the city.

It was obvious he wasn't outside so I went back in the house. I walked up the stairs then down the hall to his room. My hands cover the door as I hesitate to open it. Do I even want to look for him? I shouldn't care if he walked off, but knowing him he will miss this moment with his family.

"Chase." I call out while opening the door. He sat with his head down and his hands folded between his legs. He glares up returning a look, but a look of stern. "You ok?" I ask.

"Does it look like I'm ok? I don't want to be around any of these people." He claims, staring at the window were the party was happening.

"Why did you come here then? What was the point of all of this?" I slap my arms to my side.

"I don't know." He shakes his head.

"Well if you don't know, then I'm leaving." I turn the heel of my foot to do exactly as I said.

He's quick on his feet to stop me. "Stay. I'm sorry. I brought you here because I wanted to be around you." He reaches his hand out to grab mine.

"Ok then let's hang out down stairs with everyone else. Why do you have to always be so pessimistic. It happened. She's pregnant they can't take it back, Trevor is trying to move past this."

He scoffs in disbelief. "Says who?"

"Well no one, he's just not as upset about it anymore then you are. He has a baby on the way he's trying to make his life better." I remind him. "Why can't you?" I asked. A part of me wanted to bring up the charity events Mary hosts and the whole rehabilitation thing. I can't help to think he would be upset.

"Can we just watch the thing from up here? I have a great view to the backyard and its peaceful." He glides his fingers down my arm, leaving the familiar goosebumps.

At least he is attempting to enjoy this moment. No drinking, no narcotics, except him coming in blazed off of pot.

Small steps, I tell myself.

My arm hair sticks up to his touch. "Are you really trying to avoid Trevor?" I ask.

"Trevor and Calvin."

"Hmm." I walks around the familiar room. "Your dad and mom seems happy together." I mention. "From what I've seen your mom has something going for herself." I leave out everything else she told me. There was no need to bring up his behavior when it comes to him intoxicating himself.

"Of course they're happy tonight, they have no choice but to be. You think anyone else in the family knows about my father and who he really is? This is all an act." He expressed to me. This time he wasn't angry, just disappointed.

Deep down I'm happy he's sharing so much with me, but I can't help but to feel bad for him. It all makes since, he only acts the way he does because of his past and his father. "If people knew who my father really was and the dark traits he has within his job then no one would come close to my family. You may even stay away from me." He continues.

"But I'm here aren't I? Despite everything I'm here with you, when I should really be working on fixing my relationship with Nolan."

Chase takes my hand and tangles our fingers together. He smiles leaving my face red. "Thank you for coming with me." He whispers. "You're right."

"Thank you for inviting me here. And introducing me to your parents." I remind myself that he never lets anyone this close to him or his family.

He smiles then suddenly presses his lips against mine, taking me of guard. I push my head back from his and push him his chest away from me. "Sorry." He frowns. "I couldn't help myself."

I sigh and wipe my lips. "If you want to be around me more you need to stop kissing me. It's confusing."

"It's hard for me to be around you and not want to kiss you." He mumbles.

"Is that why you were also avoiding me?" I ask.

"I thought you didn't want to talk to me."

"I didn't, and then I did. Then I saw you at the club." I wasn't going to bring it up, but it had slipped out my mouth.

His mouth gaps open but he doesn't say anything. "You weren't supposed to be there."

I shake my head. "I don't care. Whatever you do with your sexual life is your business. It's not like we are a couple or anything." I explain. Before he was able to say anything a stroke of light shot up. "The fireworks!" I exclaimed. I walk closer to the window and Chase follows. We admire the fireworks turn blue, a wide smile creeps my face. "Looks like you're having a nephew." I shoved Chase playfully.

"That's one good thing about this pregnancy." He chuckles and glare at me. For a split second I saw something in him I had never seen before. A glimpse of his gentle gaze. The pupils of his eyes pop out to me. We were both saying something but not verbally. It was a silent communications.

That night we saw love in each others eyes.

But we both knew better to never speak of it.

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