Ocean Eyes

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The Ocean has always been mysterious, but kind and beautiful to me. Most people don't even think about it, but it has so many beautiful things in it. Creatures live in the depths, and coral decorates the upper parts. It's different... almost unique, in a way.
    I sat, watching the waves crash against the cliff my feet hang off of. I lived in a beautiful, oak house on the coast of Etretat, France. There's a beautiful cliff that leads off into the ocean here, and life is... well... ordinary. We go to school, we eat, we play. I love to read, though. Give me a good book, a glass of tea and I'll sit by the edge of the cliff on a hammock all day, reading and listening to the sound of the waves crash against the cliff.
    I was the outsider at school. Nobody really noticed me, but at the same time people noticed me. I was the kind of kid that people would talk about, then be all nice to. I've had my fair share of ' UGH' s and ' Your a brat' s, but I would never let it get me down. We- that is, my family and I- moved to Etretat what seems like an eternity ago, but it's only really been a week. Mother said I'd make new friends quickly, but that's contradictory to what has happened. Father says it's all my imagination, but I think people here hate me.
    " Jade, sweety, time for dinner!" The sunset was beautiful, a mixture of deep blue that matched the ocean, red, and orange. The sun was a pinkish color, illuminating it all and casting a dim glow on the surface of the waves. I  reluctantly got up and ran inside.
    The sweet aroma of french bread, french Quiche, and macaroons baking in the oven overwhelmed my senses. Flinging the cabinet open, my hand grasped a cup and began pouring sweet tea inside of it.
    " Have you seen the sunset, mom? It's wonderful. One good thing about this town...." I trailed off. Mother hated me mentioning California, our place of former residence. Father sighed, but kept on reading his newspaper as mother went into one of her little squabbles about how she ' Just had to move here to get a better job' and how ' I'll get over it and meet new friends'. The quarrels usually ended with her outside my door, still yelling at me after dinner.
    But it wasn't like that this time. This time it was only a word. " Whatever." she said. That was unlike mother. Mother never- and I mean never- only used one word. Instead of
"Bye!" it would be "Bye- bye!" instead of "Yes" it would be "Indeed. Indeed." Father finally set his newspaper down, a concerned look on his face. "You ok, dear?" he asked. "Fine." another one word sentence. This was bad.
    The next day when I woke up father drove me to school. I got out of the car and hugged him when we got there, then I walked to my first period class: science.
    Science class was the definition of torture. Mrs. Tyler taught it. She was a grumpy old woman who didn't like children: period.
    Mrs. Tyler walked in as I sat down, screeching at us to get our books and answer all the questions from page 50 to page 75. Whatever was left was homework.
    That was the thing about this stupid prep school, you could never escape the mighty claw of the homework god, even if you ran and hid.... It would always find you. After science, we went to math. She was here. '  Great.'  I imagined. Little Miss Narcissist, the star of Etretat, France... Lucielle Boardman!
    Lucielle was the definition of stuck up. To make it better, she hated me. With a passion. I had homework in math class too. By the end of the day, my backpack was filled to the brim with homework from all of my classes. Mother picked me up from school. She was actually smiling! Whatever had gone wrong had passed, and she was her normal self again.
    Lucielle opened my car door and got in with me. I was shocked. What did this little brat want?! " Hi Mrs. Miller, Jade and I go to school together and she said I could ride home with you two today. Is that ok?" Lucielle put on her pouty eyes and elbowed me in the ribs as I tried to say no. "Of course!" mother drove home.
    Lucielle grabbed my hand and tugged me to my room, then closed and locked the door. "Your doing my homework tonight." she said, handing me her bag. I laughed, and got my painting stuff together. "Yea, right. I'm painting tonight. Do your own homework." A portrayal of waves crashing against the cliff outside was above my bed, and Lucielle looked at it. I had painted that when we first moved. That was another hobby of mine: reading and painting.
    She walked over to it. "It would be a shame if you fell over the cliff..." she said, gazing longingly at my artwork. I laughed. "Yea, ok." I carried my easel, canvas, paintbrushes and colors to the cliff. Lucielle followed me out.
    I started with a stroke of deep blue. Then, a stroke of lighter blue.  White for the foam that each wave produced, and an orange sky for the sunset. The only books I read were books about the ocean. The only things I would paint involved the ocean. It was beautiful. It was graceful, kind.
    Lucielle grunted. "UGH! You're such a brat!" she screamed. Lucielle grabbed my painting equipment... my canvas, my paint brushes, my colors... it all went falling into the ocean. Lucielle then pushed me off the ledge. "AGHHHH!" I screamed. I was falling, falling into a void, the waves crashing against the cliff, sharp rocks sticking out of the water. Suddenly, I hit the water. The water formed a semicircle around me, and it whispered in my ear: " We could never let harm come to something that so beautifully admires us." then, it sat me back on the cliff, along with my painting supplies. The ocean then whispered in my ear again: " Be kind, always be kind." the water then went back to crashing against the cliff. I ended up forgiving Lucielle, and she became a way better person. We're now best friends. Remember: Always be kind. No matter what happens, always be kind.

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