Just One Smile (ONE SHOT)

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Hello guys this would be my first one shot story. Actually it's really a short story. I'm going to submit this at school and I'm kind of nervous about it. Even if this gets rejected I just hope some of you would read this!

That is all. Enjoy reading!  :)


Rylee Greyson was nineteen years old and has always been labeled as the ice queen or the girl with no expression. Know why? Because she’s expressionless I mean it literally. She doesn’t show any emotions not even a smile or a frown. When you look at her you would feel a chill run down your spine. Most people can keep a straight face but there are times when their eyes betray them but when it comes to Rylee’s eyes you would see emptiness like her blank face.

Some students tried to approach her but mostly cringed and would look away when she starts staring at them. She was like a bully, being feared by her classmates but not actually doing anything. She was alright with that. She would rather be alone than have someone around to accompany her and in the end will just leave her. Yes that’s right I’d rather be alone than get close to anyone. When I’m alone I’m not afraid of losing someone, I’m not hurt knowing they would never come back, I won’t be betrayed.

She was on her usual place in the rooftop eating lunch when she felt someone yawn.

She slowly looked around but there was no one around that is until she looked around the potted plants behind her. It would seem that the guy was taking a nap and because he was lying around those potted plants she didn’t noticed his presence.

She was just staring at him as he started to get up and stretch. He’s face was half covered by his long and wavy hair so she couldn’t see his face clearly.  She knows staring is rude but she wants him out of here and she knows the effect of her stare on people.

He finally met her gaze and might she say that he has the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen. His eyes were innocent looking which only matched his angelic face. They were just staring at each other when his eyes lit up and a bright smile appears on his face. When he smiled it showed his dimples on each side of his cheek which only made him look cute. She was stunned by his action because it was unusual. Why would he smile at her when she was a complete stranger to him and him to her?

“Hello there. Why are eating your lunch alone? Aren’t you lonely?” she just continued to stare at him.

“Are you being bullied? Is that why you’re alone?”

“No I’m not being bullied. Don’t you know who I am?”

“No I’m a transfer student here but I would like to know who you are.”

“No you won’t now leave me alone. I want peace and quiet.”

“What if I don’t want to? I’ll keep quiet.”

“I don’t care. I want to be alone and when I mean alone I meant just me.”

“You know being alone won’t make you happy. Even if you put up a stoic face I know your hiding something. I know that deep inside you’re keeping your sadness and loneliness.”

“You don’t know anything about me. Stay out of my business. I don’t want to see your face ever again.” With that said she grabbed her stuff and walked away from him.

He was definitely unusual and I don’t like it. I wish we never cross paths again. But how wrong was she. The next day she looked for a different place to eat. She decided to eat at the bleachers near the football field since it was cloudy. She was half finished with her food when the same guy approached her yet again.

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