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Desiree sat in the car, breathing heavily, thinking back, about what happened. She squeezed her thighs together to ignore her wet throbbing heat. She then walked into the apartment.

He has no idea how horny I am feeling she thought. She walked in the living room, where she saw him with no shirt, his toned body screamed at her, she wanted to touch his smooth firm  pale skin, scanning her eye down his body lingering on his grey sweatpants that was hanging dangerously low on his hips, displaying that v line sent an inner serge through her muscles

Fuck she mumbled silently, She clenched her thighs together and squeeze that sensation through her wet pussy. He did this she thought. Kaito looked up at her ''The water is warm if you wanna shower'' He said and sat down on the couch and turned the tv on.

Desires went upstairs to the bathroom and shower, she decided to wear one of his shirt, which was long for her, it stopped 2 inches above her knee. She then found a pair of socks to wear. She flat twist her hair then went downstairs with the lotion, she leaned up against the wall.

''Come here'' He said

She walked over to him, and hands him the lotion,he began lotioning and massaging her skin starting with her hands, arms going down her leg.

He finished and put the lotion away.''I missed that'' She murmured, when she was younger and he was over he'd always lotion her skin for her, his finger is magical,the way he massages my skin is just godly she thought.

''I'm sorry'' Desiree said, as she sits on his lap and wraps her arms around his neck.

''For what'' he said, not looking at her, as he looks on the tv.

She held his face between her hands squishing his cheek, holding his attention to her. He exhaled and licked his lips then looked at her. He looks her down from, his eyes lingering on her exposed thighs on his lap. He groaned softly.

''Fuck what do you do to me'' He mumbled, gripping her by her neck applying pressure on the side of her neck not squeezing her vocal cord. He pulls her towards him by her neck, he licks his lips then captured her lips with his, using his hand to bring her closer to him. Then the two of them began fighting for dominance, but Kaito gently bit her lower lip, making her gasp then he slipped his tongue inside her mouth gently but demanding, then he sucked on her tongue. She moaned in his mouth, earning a smirk from him. He deepened the kiss, and she then moved her lips along with his.

She gripped his hair, pulling him even closer to her, as she felt his bulge beneath her she began grinding on him as she kissed him, pulling back to let her catch her breath he leaned his forehead on hers both of them breathing heavily looking into each other eyes,he then began kissing her on her jaw slowly going down to her neck,He lightly blow air onto her neck,his warm breathe on her cold neck making her shiver, finding her sweet spot he began to nimble on her spot gently, then he began kissing her neck more, gently using his tongue to graze her neck.

Desiree breathing increased as he bit her lips, her eyes rolling over, at the sensation. Then he starts to suck on her spot hard, gently biting it. Kaito was determined to leave a mark on her. She was his. She belongs to him. He'd show the world that.

Desiree began grinding her hips harder against his thick bulge. Earning a low grunt from Kaito..

''Wait'' He mumbled softly in a raspy deep voice. He lifted her off him and pulled down his sweatpants revealing his hard dick. He pulled her back on him,he kissed her neck then her ear then whispered softly in her ear ''Grind on me'' at this point Desiree's wetness was soaking through her thin panty, he then captured her lips once again. Moving their lips together she began grinding her pussy against his dick, the sensations of his dick on her clit, brought her to heaven. She increased her speed as she humps back and forth on his dick, feeling herself about to come. He pulled back and pushed his hands under her shirt and squeezed her perky breast pulling her nipple hard, she moaned his name ''Kaito'' then came hard on his dick.

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