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AUTHOR'S NOTE ~ Before you read this please read the FIRST PART OF THIS BOOK. It's called The Wrong. If you don't read Part I first, you will not understand or enjoy Swollen Heart. Thanks, and happy reading!

Asia's POV
"Honestly, I'm blessed," I said to my professor. I was in Arts 112 explaining my life project to the class. I finished off with that statement. "I'm blessed."
That's really how felt. Blessed. I had been through so much hurt and tears and confusion all my years of high school that I didn't even know how I was still standing. "Every school year, there's some really good thing that happens to me. And than there is some really big bad thing, that tries to over shadow it. Sometimes it's the other way around. Freshman year, this guy I really liked fucked and dumped me. What was the good? I found the love of my life. Sophomore year, I became the co-caption of my soccer varsity team. What was the bad? I got pregnant a month after. Junior year, my mother died of inflammation in her lungs. What was the good? I graduated top of my class. Senior year, I got a full scholarship to Yale University. What was the bad? I couldn't move there because of my two year old son and my baby daddy," I explained. I sat down and ended off with the statement, "Honestly, I'm blessed."
High school was a danger zone for me, but I swear I'm glad I went through ever bit of it. I was nineteen years old now, and I just wanted to focus on the important things. Jadon and my empire with Andrew.
When school was over, I went to my apartment and took a short nap. I was studying to become a nurse, so it was a lot of hassle. School started at seven fifteen and ended at twelve twenty, but some days it ended at eight. It depended on the courses I took that day. I couldn't wait to leave Eli Alley University and start my two years at Yale. I worked so hard for that scholarship! There was no way I was going to just throw it in the trash.
After my nap, I went to go pick up Jadon from daycare and took him out to eat.
"Mommy!" He yelled jumping into my arms. I smiled at him and gave him a big kiss.
"Hey J! Are you gonna give mommy a kiss back?" He stuck his tongue at me and ran to the car. I chuckled and grabbed him.
"Mommy," he yelled again.
"What Jadon?"
"My teach said everyone haz grand daddies and grand mommies, but how come I don't have them?" I stopped the car and turned over to him. I didn't know what to say. My parents never wanted to meet Jadon. They always rejected offers to speak to him. Andrew's parents talked to him, but they didn't show love and care because he wasn't their biological grandson.
"You do have grandparents J! You know that lady that always calls you Jugar?" I was talking about the first time Andrew's mom called us.
"She's my grand mommy?" He asked in amazement. I nodded and started driving again. "I wanna go see her! Now!" I rolled my eyes and started to laugh. I loved Jadon so bad. He was the cutest thing ever. His eyes, his hair, and his skin were just perfect. I admired him so much. He was my son, and no one could ever take that from me.

I was in deep sleep when I heard a massive knock on the door. I rubbed my eyes, and put on my rob. Andrew was in the bedroom with Jadon playing, so I decided to check who was knocking.
"Who is it?" I asked trying to peek through the hole on the door. I was so short so that didn't work out at all. They banged louder.
"Everything ok?" Andrew shouted from the room.
"Yeah choco, I got it!" I yelled back. The person banged the door again.
"Who is it? Damn, don't got a voice?!" I started to get angry. After two more harsh bangs on the door, I decided to open the door. I looked through the door and saw my worst nightmare-VJ.

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