Chapter 7

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Two weeks later Enrico was getting the upper hand in the war; he had taken territories belonging to Mario's gang. Mario buried his son Jimmy. He vowed to get revenge for his slain son.

Mario walked in his study from, he  saw Joe and George were already waiting for him.

"Update me what's going on?" Mario spokes as he folds his arms.

"Yes, Luiz last week was gunned down at his office, all our operations in Luiz's region have been taken over by Miami Rollers. And it looks like they're determined to take our status of being number one in the Miami." George briefed.

"Have you managed to locate Enrico?" Mario inquires as he walks around the office.

"Negative. Since he's escape he went into hiding, no one knows where he hiding except his top trusted men." Joe replied.

"If Enrico think he will take away my city then he better be prepared for a real war. Now, I want you to send men into our taken territories. It time we push back, losing my son was painful. It time they paid for killing our members especially my son." He vowed.

"I second that." Joe commented.

"I'll get us more man power to push them out of the territories."

"Enrico better be ready for world war three." Mario says with determination.


Things are heating up.

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