Chapter One

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He heard an alarm blaring next to him. Beomgyu woke up and turned it off. He stayed in bed for a little while not wanting to get up. He groaned as he lifted his body off the bed and walked to where his bathroom was supposed to be until he realized something.

This wasn't his room.

His eyes went wide and he looked around. "Where the fuck am I?? Who's room is this??" He said as he opened a door wondering where it lead to. Usually he would have a bathroom in his room but this room, whoever's it was, didn't have one. He opened the door revealing a closet with unfamiliar clothes. "Well, at least this person has good taste."

He pushes his hair back, which feels different than his normal hair. For some reason his hair feels... softer? He looked down at his hands and noticed that he's a little more tanner than he normally was. He ran to the other door that was in the room, which lead to a hallway. He ran opening doors trying to find the bathroom.

Once he opened a door that lead to a bathroom, again, not his bathroom, he ran and looked in the mirror. The person staring back at him was definitely not him. Beomgyu started freaking out. "What the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck." He said pulling in his hair slightly. He knew exactly who the person in the mirror was. It was none other than Kang Taehyun.

Beomgyu has had a crush on Taehyun for so long, except, Taehyun doesn't talk to anyone. The only interaction with people Taehyun makes is either saying 'Thank you, Your Welcome, and Sorry' The only person he actually makes conversation with is Hueningkai. Hueningkai and Taehyun are best friends. He stares at the reflection a little too long. Beomgyu knows that Taehyun is handsome, but seeing him this close is different. He can see all the little things in his face, and can't help but keep looking.

"Wait, so.. if I'm Taehyun.. does that mean he's me?" He goes back up to the room, now known as Taehyun's, and checks the closet for uniform. He grabs it and realizes that he's going to have to take of his clothes. Beomgyu blushes at the thought of technically seeing Taehyun naked. "I'll just- I'll just close my eyes." He said chuckling nervously.

He closes his eyes and slowly starts to change. He felt very awkward. After he finished putting on the pants it was time for the shirt. He slowly took off the shirt and replaced it with the uniform shirt. Once he was done he blew out a sigh of relief. He spotted a backpack at the corner of the room and grabbed it. He slung it over his shoulders and grabbed Taehyun's keys and phone before walking out the front door.

Once he left the door though, he realized he was met with an unfamiliar sight. "Ah shit, where am I?" He said looking around. He didn't recognize the street at all. "Oh wait, I could use the handy dandy GPS." He said pulling out 'his' phone. He typed in the school's address and started following the path the GPS told him to go.


Surprisingly the walk wasn't too long, unlike where he lived. Beomgyu usually took 20 minutes to walk to school but lucky for Taehyun he only took an 8 minute walk. He walked up to the front gates and into the school. "Hey Taehyun!" He heard someone yell while wrapping their arm around him.

"How you doin' bro?" The person, now known as Hueningkai said. "Uh, Hey-" Beomgyu said waving at him. "Hey H-Hueningkai." He said. "You alright dude?" The younger asked. "Uh- Yeah! I'm fine, very fine- Super! How 'bout you?" He said giving Hueningkai an awkward smile. "I'm doing great!" Hueningkai said giving Beomgyu a huge smile. He sighed in relief as it looked like the boy wasn't suspicious anymore.

As the time was nearing towards the beginning of school Hueningkai and Beomgyu went their separate ways. Beomgyu was just walking in the halls saying 'Hi' to the people he called his acquaintances. They all looked at him weird and surprised though. While he was about to wave to someone else he felt someone roughly pull him into a classroom.

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