SoMa One Shot

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(Maka's POV)
Its been over a month, and it's killing me. Soul is out with Lord Death, and Spirit, learning stuff about being a death scythe. Everyone was busy on jobs trying to collect all the souls too. After I officially made Soul into a death scythe, everyone tried even harder. I'm happy that Soul became a death scythe, and how everyone is trying harder, but it's been very lonely.

I sat on the couch, Blair was at work, she usually gets home when I'm asleep. I flipped through the channels on the TV. I've read all the books I owned, more then once. I reposed on the couch a little more now looking at the ceiling. I might buy a book that I've been wanting, but I'm actually low on money, and I need it for groceries. My Birthday was tomorrow, I never really celebrate it. Soul isn't going to be home. I sighed I got up to make some Macaroni. I turned on the stove, waiting for the water to boil, after that i poured the noodles in, and so on. After it was made i sat down, and ate, washed my dishes, then went to bed.

(Soul's POV)
I was tired, and angry. I was supposed to be home by now, but Spirit thought it would be okay to hook up with some girls. I now know how Maka would feel like, kind of at least. I missed Maka a lot, it might not sound cool, but I don't care. I missed her cooking, all i've been having was cheap little meals. But I also miss her smile, nothing can lift my spirits like her smile does. I also miss her maka-chops. I rather be getting chopped by her, then spent a second with her father. This was getting really uncool now. I shook my head trying to get the thoughts out of my head, I watched Spirit walk towards us with a girl attached to him, it was disgusting.
"Spirit it's time to go home now."
I growled,
"What! Now!"
Spirit sounded like a little kid.
I yelled at him, I was irritated, it was Maka's birthday tomorrow, and I've been planning on getting a boom that she wanted for a while now.
"Maka! Oh no! Not my Maka!"
Spirit wined, the girl that was attached to him now had a questioning look,
"You have a daughter?"
She looked at spirit, then me.
"Yes, but she doesn't like him, she hated him ever since he started cheating on his ex-wife, and soon they got in a divorce."
I calmly explained, as Spirit cried his eyes out, running to the train that takes us to Death City, and yelling Maka's name, all at the same time. I walked on to the train, after Lord Death.
"Finally going home." I sighed to myself.

It took 3 Hours to get home. We left at 8 pm, an got home at 11.
"Oh look we're finally home!"
Lord Death chimed, in a tone of happiness. First Lord Death, then Spirit got off, and I was the last one home. We all headed home, but Spirit, and I had the same idea of getting Maka a birthday present. I walked to a bookstore. Surprisingly they were still opened, the door had a bell as I walked in. I looked around for about a half an hour, until I found a book, with a leather cover, and the titled carved into it. I smiled at the thought, of seeing Maka receive this book. It was always in the glass window, and she always pushed her face against the window. As i walked up to buy it, it was only $25, I thought it would be more because of the leather cover, but 25 bucks on a book, is still a lot, to what I have purchased at least. I thinked the man, and ran home. I soon came to a walk when i heard sirens. It was a fire truck. 'Please don't turn left.' But it did. My eyes widen, and I ran home faster then I ever thought I could.

(Maka's POV)
I woke up by coughing violently. I was also sweating, I looked around my room in shock. The apartment was on fire! I panicked, i quickly got up, and swung open my door, and flames that were even bigger blocked me. I ran through them, tripping on a rug. It hurt, I probably got burned. I was about to get up, when a wooden pillar fell down.

(Soul's POV)
I reached our apartment, as I thought it was on fire. The first thing that ran through my mind was Maka. I looked around the crowd, and even in the trucks, she wasn't there. Before thinking I crossed the border, that the police created, but the officers tried stopping.
"You can't go in there!"
"Do you want to hurt yourself!"
"You could get kill yourself!"
The three of them yelled, but I manage getting free. I would do anything to protect Maka. She was in there, and I haven't seen here in over a month. I don't care if I get myself killed. That was the whole point of being here weapon, was protecting here. I always wanted to protect her. For crying out loud! I fell in love with tiny tits! I never realized it until I left her. I ran up the metal stairs, which were burning hot, but it only made rum up faster. I reached our door, and kicked it open, which revealed all the flames. I could see her sandy blonde hair. I quickly ran to her, lifted the wood, and picked her up. I ran to the door, and jumped off the railing. The police officers can running to us. They took us to separate ambulance trucks, and took off. I was being checked for burn marks, I had a few, but i was more worried about Maka!
"I can't believe you actually gone in there!" One of the men said. I looked at him, he had a look, of sadness and shock. After about 10 minuted we reached the hospital.
"I only went in to protect her."
I replied to the man.

It took about an hour for there check up on me, and finally let me go, and I ran to the desk, asking where Maka's room was, even though she might still be in the emergency room. The lady replied with113 as I ran, it was not that far. I could see doctors surrounding her door, and her.
"Is she alright?!"
I asked, waiting for their answer seemed to take forever, but they nodded,
"You saved her just on time."
I relaxed a little, and all the doctors came out, and I stepped in. What I saw broke my heart. She was in bandages, and connected to an IV. I felt really guilty for all of this, if i came home earlier none of this would of happened. I heard other people come in, it was Spirit, and the rest of the gang.
They shouted, and rushed over to me.
"What happened?"
Tsubaki asked, she was a little nervous.
"Our apartment caught on fire, thats all I know."
They all stared at me, then looked at Maka. I couldn't look them in the eyes at all. I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Spirit. He didn't say anything, but he didn't need to.

It has been 3 days, and I visited Maka everyday, from the beginning and even past visiting hours. I sat there, on a wooden stool, holding her hand. I could feel slight movements in here hand, but it has been like that the past 3 days. I rested my head on the bed. Closing my eyes, and sleep took over me.
I opened my eyes, once I felt something on my head. It was a hand, I look up to see Maka sitting up, crying.
I hug her tightly.
"Why are you crying?!"
I asked confused.
"Y-you're b-back!"
I feel my shirt get wet from her tears, and she holds me even tighter. I smile,
"Yea I'm back, and I'm not leaving you alone again." I break the hug, and look into her eyes.
"I'm glad you're alright."
I pulled the book out, that I had bought for her birthday, and handed it to her.
"Happy belated birthday."
She smiles, which makes me happy.
"Thank you Soul."
Her voice was beautiful as she said spoke, I love her so much.

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