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It is Wednesday, November first, and I dreaded it. My birthday is two days away. Though I knew the day was coming, I didn't seem to care.  After classes, I stayed home and rested. Ellie came into my room a few times. I kicked her out to do some studying. After the Halloween party, people talked about the girl who got "fucked up," and their eyes never left me on campus. The video spreaded across the campus faster than I imagined it to. Hoodies and sweatpants made hiding from everyone who had seen the video easier.

Ellie had been trying to cheer me up, but it didn't seem to work. What's worse is I think she's planning a party this week. Even after I told her I didn't want to celebrate. I can't take it anymore, all the parties and headaches. I want a break from it all.

"Amelia." I hear her coming in again for the fifth time. "I have something for you. It might make you feel better or might make you mad at me. Either way, I did it with the kindness of my heart and only because your birthday is coming."

I groan and sit up from the bed. "What did you do?"

Ellie steps to the side, and in comes Nolan with a full duffel bag in his hand. Shocked, I got up from the bed and stood near the edge. Then the worst thought came to me.

I don't want him here.

"Nolan?" My eyes widen in shock. I should've known he was going to try and make it for my birthday.

"Hi." He smiles. "I can't miss my favorite girls' special day." He comes close to me and hugs me. My arm wraps around him as my mind tries to wrap around the fact that he's standing in front of me. I eye Ellie over Nolan's shoulder with a look of, "I'm going to kill you". Her head goes down, and she walks out the bedroom door.

"You really didn't have to come. It's just another day," I tell him. He, out of all people, should know I never care about my birthday, which is why I'm surprised he's here. My mom and I celebrated it once and a while, but once she died, I never felt the excitement for it.

He kisses me on my forehead. "You were always looking forward to being nineteen. It's a step closer to twenty." Mocks sixteen year old me.

"I know, but now it's not that exciting. I still have midterms going on too." I sigh and sit on the bed. Should I even mention I don't want to be in a relationship anymore? Or should I take this to my advantage and fix our relationship?

"Are you ok?" He sits next to me and looks into my eyes as I do the same to him. All I see is regret. I certainly feel bad for the way I have handled things. I don't think I can ever forgive myself for it.

"Yeah. Are you sleeping here?" I scratch my head curiously.

He shakes his head. "I don't want to take up space. I got a hotel not far from here. Plus I know things are rocky with us at the moment."

He's not wrong. More than rocky. It's damn near complicated.

"For how long?" I asked.

"Till Saturday morning."

"Where did you get the money to spend three nights here?" I asked. His mom Katrina and Claudia may be loaded with money, but Katrina would never loan him money like that. She's the type of mom to make him work for it.

"I've been saving up for this, it was hard, but I'm here. You're going to have a good birthday. I promise." I give him a light smile, and he lightly kisses my cheeks. This whole time he's been working under his mom to spend the rest of the week with me. Now, I feel even worse.

Hopefully, no one gets in the way this time around.

Nolan and I walk into the cafe to grab something to eat and chat for a bit.  Trixi and Delilah are sitting at a booth near the bookshelf, talking to each other. "Aren't those your roommates?" Nolan asked while looking over at them.

Addicted To You (TO BE PUBLISHED) Where stories live. Discover now