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"I said no party," I said under my breath

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"I said no party," I said under my breath.

"Oh, come on, even Claudia approved of this. She was the one that helped me out." She defends. As if that makes it all ok.

Nolan walks up to me and hugs me tight. "Were you surprised?" He asked.

Not the least bit. If m surprised about anything it's that the closest people to me doesn't seem to understand that I hate surprises.

"Did you have anything to do with this?" My eyes beam up at him.

"I had to keep you distracted for a while, while they got everything ready." He tells me. So that explains the hotel. "While you were getting dressed, I rushed to bring out the balloons and decorations. Everyone else was already hiding in the other rooms." He explains.

I take my eyes off him and search my surroundings. The apartment is filled with people I never even talked to, and some I do. "Who are these people?"

"They go to your school. Delilah and Trixi invited them," Nolan tells me.

I roll my eyes and groan. Nolan massages my shoulders and I remove myself from his grasp. "Come on, babe, have some fun. It's your birthday. Just not too much fun."

Babe. Ha. Should he even call me that considering we are still on a...break.

The more I say it the more I hate the word.

"Happy birthday Amelia." Roger comes up to us and hugs me, I thank him, and more random people come up to me. I don't even talk to these people. Roger tapped Nolan on his shoulders asking him if he wanted a drink.

Nolan didn't turn it down. I am not sure how his roommate convinced him to drink beer. The old Nolan I know would throw it up instantly. But I can't complain because I have done much worse.

Much, much worse.

"Happy birthday." Delilah hugs me, and Trixi comes up from behind her. "Happy birthday." Trixi mumbles.

"Thanks," I say in the same neutral, boring tone Trixi had.

"I know you're going to say no, but," Delilah holds out a red cup.

"You're going to need it," Trixi adds.

From the corner of my eye, I see Chase standing there with a black shirt and jeans. I take the drink from Delilah's hand and chug it. One drink won't do anything to me. After the girls left my sight, I took the time to glance at the crowd of randos roaming our apartment. I thought I had seen Trevor somewhere, but now I don't see him.

I try not to look over at Chase so much, but he tempted me to look back just by perfectly eying me. Once I saw he was walking toward me with a water bottle in his hand, I turned around. "Oh god," I whisper. The flutters in my stomach never seem to go away when he comes around.

Addicted To You (TO BE PUBLISHED) Where stories live. Discover now