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~Chase's Perspective~

I take another sip of my drink while the dancer, in my view, fails to get my attention. I'm not going to lie, the strip club was my least favorite spot to be at. It may seem out of the norm for a guy like me, but the thought of being around sweaty naked females that have been dancing on sweaty ass poles rubs me the wrong way. Not to mention I don't find pleasure in giving them money for this. 

The music is booming in the dark building,  but all I hear is the sweet tone of her voice.  My mind trails off as I hold the cold drink of bourbon in my hand. Which explained my temper, but I didn't want to tell her that. Not until I can prove it to her.

"What the fuck? She wants to give you a dance." Jackson shouts at me since I denied the stripper.

I look up and see the barely clothed dancer some more. She is beautiful, no doubt, but I am not feeling it. I would have thought coming to the strip club would help me forget Amelia, especially since hooking up with another girl won't work. I don't know what else I can fucking do. I shake my head, and she walks away.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? She was hot." Jackson snarls. 

"I'm not feeling this anymore."

"Why? Because you're too busy thinking about Amelia." How does Jackson know about Amelia and me? I don't tell anyone my business, especially him and those chicks. If anyone knows me best is Roger. Trevor and his sister, too, but that relationship is long gone. 

"Trixi told me, and she told me everything..." He sips his drink. I am not surprised; she has a big mouth along with Delilah. I swear, not too many people can keep a secret like Amelia nowadays.

"Everything?" I question. What can he mean by that?

He nods his head. "Does she look better with her clothes off?" He grins, and I punch his arm.

"I'm not telling you jack shit about her. Whatever you think you know, you don't, so keep your mouth fucking shut."

"Don't worry. I want to see the outcome of this." He smirks, and I shake my head. I don't even know why I hang around him. If I am honest, I can do everything I do with them by myself. "speaking of Amelia. Did you hear what Ellie told Trixi?" He asks me. "Shit is fucked up." 

Curious, I look up at him. "What did she say?"

After hearing the most shocking news from Jackson, I wanted to call Amelia immediately. But why should I? She'll think I am making it up when she hears the words from me, but she will unquestionably believe it once she hears it from Ellie and Nolan themselves. Hopefully, sooner than later. I always wondered why she was holding on to that prick anyways. It's not like he is worthy of her love. And as it seems, he isn't even attracted to her.

I dont know how. The girl is a fucking goddess sent from heaven above. She deserves better than that. Only I hear neither am I to be worthy of her love. 

Usually, on Wednesday, things go by smoothly for me. I don't work, and I only have one class. I had stayed in Professor's brown office for a little while to check on some things prior to the Paris trip. When I was passing the Cafe lounge afterward, I got a text from Violet once again.

She possesses over-texting me about the...child, which is not mine. I know for a fact I didn't get her crazy ass pregnant. So I ignored the message and deleted it. It may seem like I'm running away from my responsibilities, but something in my gut tells me she is lying, and i will stick to that until I get visible proof. 

Glancing up from my phone, Amelia and that fucking Nolan kid is sitting in the cafe together, talking. Every part of me wanted to go in there and break up their moment. I should go in there and tell him about her and me or tell her about him and Ellie. But I didn't. I walked away as calmly as I could, got in my Audi, and speeded home. Amelia would never talk to or forgive me if I were to explain.

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