The Call

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•Hosuhs' POV•
I was super tired. I'd been talking with Stephen about video stuff for what seemed like hours. A glance at the corner of my monitor told me I was right; it was 2:47, we had started talking at 9.

It's not like I don't like talking to Stephen, I love it actually! We usually started the discord calls with video ideas and plans for the week, but then trail off on the strangest of conversations. Exhibit A) Right then Stephen was going off on a tangent about how easy it would be to steal a penguin from the zoo. I was trying to keep with the conversation, but my vision blurred.

"Y'know, the babies are used to huddling under the moms, right? I could just stuff one in my-"

"I think I'm gonna go to bed now," I yawned.

"O-oh! Ok, g'night Hosuh!" Stephen said, flustered. I guess I surprised him! I half-grinned at the thought of Stephen jumping in his chair.

"Goodnight Stephen!" I took my headphones off and stood up, stretching after sitting in my computer chair for hours. I'm glad I only had to stumble a few steps before falling into my bed. I pulled off my pants, leaving me in my boxers, and got into a more comfortable position.

Y'know those times where you're nearly falling asleep, until the moment you get into bed, then you're suddenly wide awake? Now was one of those times. I shifted onto my back, staring at the ceiling, cursing myself for... well... I have no idea, I was just cursing the way my body works!

I tried to make my mind drift off to something calming, like animals! I thought of dogs, because they're probably the most calming thing to think of, then let my mind drift; dogs... wolves... deer... bears... polar bears... penguins... Stephen... wait. Stephen? Hhh, I've been talking to him for way too long.

We both lost track of time, the calls usually didn't go for this long. I thought back to when Stephen was so startled to hear me, he'd been lost on his own roller coaster of thought... I could just imagine him jump slightly in his chair.. a slight blush creeping over his face as he realised how late it was... his strong hands pulling his chair back in, just like they could pull me into a loving embrace... then he'd run his fingers down my back and I'd- wait, what!? No. I've told myself not to think about these things! Stephens not gay....

... I sigh... a little touch never hurt anybody.

•Stephens' POV•

Would you look at that, he forgot to hang up the call! Damn, Hosuh's just too fucking cute sometimes. Doesn't he realise how cute he sounds when he's tired? As if he wasn't adorable enough already, with his innocent little mind, and stunning smile. I just can't get enough of him.

I hadn't realised how late it was until Hosuhs' voice caught me off guard, with his yawn turning into a slight moan as he stretched. Fuck, it was too hot to handle, I could barely keep my cool. I've spent years trying to maintain my friendship with him, but it's hard when he doesn't know how every little thing he does sets me on fire.

I was about to end the call when I heard a delicate moan in my ears. Woah. Holy shit. I wait, and after a couple seconds I hear it again, along with the soft sound of his sheets as he found a more comfortable position.

...I can't fucking believe this. Innocent Hosuh, Adorable Hosuh, is masturbating with a discord call left on.
This is... this is wrong, I should probably leave the call, this is his personal thing and I-

"Mmm, Stephen... "

... damn, well I can't leave now, can I?
Hosuh is masturbating to me. I can't believe this. I pulled down my pants and slowly began to stroke myself aswell.

"Fuck Hosuh.." I whispered, knowing he couldn't hear me, 'cause his headphones were plugged in. I heard Hosuhs' breathing as it deepened and got louder. I kept pace with him and listened to his soft moans, which were getting a little louder now.

I couldn't help myself, I quickened my pace and started moaning louder and louder, knowing my face was right next to the mic. There was a slim chance Hosuh would hear me, since he was preoccupied, and his headphones were plugged in... then I came. I came so damn hard. As I did I groaned so hard I swear the neighbours might've heard me. I was still trying to catch my breath as I realised he'd stopped. Shit.

FuckFuckFuckFuck! I didn't think this through! I didn't realise it would be that intense! Shit. I'm actually screwed. Hosuh's gonna hate me and I don't know how-

"... Stephen?" I heard a trembling voice through my headphones, which had half slipped off. I was still trying to recover from the shock of my climax.

"Hosuh... *huff* I....*huff*... Sorry.." was all I could manage.

God he must be so damn embarrassed. He definitely hates me. I don't know how I'll be able to talk to him for the video tomorrow. How will he ever see me the same again?

•Hosuhs' POV•

My heart was racing. This had to be a dream. This needs to be a dream. Hearing my name escape from his lips, after he- he...

"Hey, Hosuh?" I heard the shaky voice through my headphones and I tried as hard as I could to pull myself together.

"Hey... Stephen..." Just... this is too much for me to handle.

"Look, I'm so sorry about this I just-"

"Don't be sorry."


"I said don't be sorry, Stephen, because..." I stumbled over my words, I don't know what I was thinking.

"Because why, Hosuh~"

What? He's already back to his flirty ways?!

"I think I can guess what you were trying to say..."


"Yeah, and I think you were about to say something about how I'm so amazing and handsome and you just had to... Y'know... take the dog for a walk~"

I just...

"Yep, I definitely broke you... Welp, talk to ya later, sweet pea~"


...he hung up.

I hid my face in my hands, trying, yet failing to cool the blush that had turned my face beet red. Typical Stephen. But... I can't wait til next time I call him, because then the real fun is going to get started~

I guess that's it for now.. I starting writing this 3 hours ago and now the sun is rising... I guess Hosuh and Stephen aren't the only ones who can't keep track of time😅
Hope you enjoyed my first fic, and I hope to write more in the future!
See you guys next time with some more smut ☺️ baiii!!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2019 ⏰

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