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I took a cab to the hotel when I had first woken up from Trevor's place. Nolan has to be there now. He has nowhere else to sleep. Unless he went home already... The thought sticks with me as I wait for the elevator to hit the fourth floor. I could feel my stomach twisting and turning while waiting.

I rush to room 432 and bang on the door. Without a response, I bang once again. Then, just as I was going to do it for the third time, my phone starts to ring. I see 'Chase' on my screen and deny the call.

Why won't he leave me alone?

The door opens to Nolan, shirtless. He had a look of a fresh face, but wet hair.

"What are you doing here." He comes out of the room and closes the door behind him.

"I want to talk to you. Can we talk?" I ask. My palms sweat from nerves creeping up in me.

His eyes won't match mine. It feel like he is emotionally distancing himself from me. He was eager to close the door before he spoke. "There's not much to talk about. You lied to me; that tells it all."

"It doesn't tell it all. I was going to tell you everything yesterday but you shut me down. And I've been reaching out to you in the past for us to talk. It's not something you can just text to someone. You weren't available half of the time for me to say anything." I step closer to him, but he steps back. "I didn't want to lose you then."

"Didn't." He scoffs as if I meant it that way.

"Don't." I correct myself and try to collect my thoughts. What am I trying to say? Do I even want to be with him? I mean, of course, I do; I don't want him to hate me. "Can we talk inside, please?"

"No." He doesn't hesitate to say.

I frown and make eye contact with the ground. "I know what I did was wrong. But nothing will ever make it right. At the end of the day, here I am." I try to make eye contact with him again, but he breaks our stares. "I don't want this to end, what we have. I did at first, but now I know that is stupid. I do not even care for the guy; he is a lunatic drug attic, and I just...I wish I never met him."

"You don't mean that." He shakes his head. "You have feelings for him. If you didn't, then you wouldn't have continued messing around after he kissed you, and he has feelings for you. I see the way you guys look at each other you think I am blind. I just wished you weren't stupid and naive to do anything with him."

My mouth gaps open In shock with his choice of words. "Can we please go inside? We are getting loud, and it's early."

I attempt to open the door and pass him. But he tries to stop me. "No, don't." He blurts.

Confused, my brows furrowed, and I continued to open the door. "What?" I question him and look inside the room. There are clothes all over the place and shoes placed by the front door. One of them is sandals. Not my sandals though. Actually, none of this stuff is mine.

"Where are my things?"

I instantly thought the worst of him. "Where did you go last night?" I turn and question him. I know I did something terrible, but if he went out last night to get revenge, that is just childish.

Especially considering how he treated me for the four years we've been together, or should I say didn't treat me.

"I didn't go anywhere." He says, as I walk through the room to find anything.

"Then whose panties?" I point to the pink lace on the floor by the bed. As I asked him, my voice cracked as if I was going to cry. I can't believe this, I look around the room, and I see Ellie's phone on the nightstand. Why would her phone be here?

Addicted To You (TO BE PUBLISHED) Where stories live. Discover now