day eleven

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'Dear diary,
        it's been officially 2 weeks since I've become a vampire. I've gotten the hang of how to feed. Everything is still new to me.
I wish I could go back to how I was before, but there's nothing I can do... I haven't been able to tell Mark. I'm too scared, I honestly might never tell him. Okay well I should probably get going, I'll write more tomorrow.'

And with that, Soojin closed her journal, opening up her nightstand drawer and placing it down at the bottom, no one knew she wrote in a journal, sometimes she liked to write out stories and dreams, hopes for her future. With that being said she looked up, hearing a knock at her bedroom door, "Come in." She said, taking a deep breath. Hoping it wasn't her brother.

Luckily it wasn't him, "Hey Soojin~" Hyunjin said with a smile on his face as he closed the door behind him, Soojin hadn't seen him for a few days. He had been out dealing with other vampires with Felix, Chan, and Changbin.
"Hey, I didn't know you were back." She replied, her heart doing the stupid fluttery thing it does each time she sees him.
"I didn't have the chance to, Chan dropped me off here and I didn't have my phone with me." He answered her question, seating himself next to her on her bed.
"Well, I'm glad you're back." She said her lips curling into a soft smile as she moved herself closer to him, leaning her head on his shoulder.
"Hm? What's up?"
"Do you have any plans for tonight?"
"Hmm not that I know of, why?"
"Well.." He began, "We never actually went out on an official date.. so I was wondering if you'd like to go out tonight? We can go to coffee shops, get some ice cream, we can go to the Han River and go on a walk." He said excitedly, waiting for her response.
She lifted her head up and smiled widely at him, "Of course!" She answered, Hyunjin's face lit up with happiness as he turned to face her and pulled her into his arms.

Giving a small squeeze as he hugged Soojin tightly, "I'm so glad, what time would you like to leave?" "How about.. around 7 or 8pm?" She suggests "Then we can see the city lights and everything, or leave earlier and watch the sunset?" "We can go around 7:30 then? It'll still be a little light out, but we can also see all the lights." He spoke, the tone in his voice sweet and gentle.
"Sounds like a plan!" She left her head rested on his chest, the sound of his heartbeat speeding up, she smiled at how adorable it was.
She slowly closed her eyes and tried to match her breathing with his.

Hyunjin leaned back on his pillows and hugged her close to him, covering them both up with a soft and fuzzy blanket that she usually kept on her bed.
"I love you." Hyunjin said softly, bringing his hand to her head and played with her hair for a little bit, he was so happy that he had a moment like this with her.

Earlier that same day Hyunjin had asked Chan to make sure he didn't bug Him and Soojin about what was going on, the fight between them and the other vampires wasn't over yet.
Though he needed a break, he needed to spend time with Soojin, he already felt bad about what he did to her.

He just wanted to her to feel safe with him, scared that he would lose her if he didn't do anything. He wanted to make sure she was happy, that she wasn't struggling. He wished for her to always trust him.
He would stay by her side as long as she wanted him, if she told him to go, he would do so. As long as she was happy, that's all that mattered to him.

[Authors Note]
Omg I'm so fucking sorry that I completely forgot to continue this.
I'm back with another chapter, and I'm planning on trying my best to continue. I'm sorry that this chapter is shorter than I wanted it to be, but I needed to get something out.
Also holy crap, over 2k reads 😭😭 I love you guys so much! 💞

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