The World Begins With You

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One day there was a boy named, Neku, and mysterious things happened to him. But first I have to tell this story.

Day 1: As Neku finds himself in an unrevealing world, he sharply glances everywhere. He didn't know what to do so he just took some relaxing sessions and he notices that people couldn't hear him, see him, or talk to him. When he walked down the alley of a nearby road and lots of green frogs came after him and he didn't know what to do.

He suddenly sees a girl with a cat fighting the same frogs.

 "Hey can you help me out over here?" Neku says in a startled expression.

"Does it look like I can, I'm kinda busy here. Maybe if you help me, we could get done faster!" says the mysterious girl.

Neku runs up to her and trys to help her out but he didn't know how to fight them or what to do.

"Here try these! I hope they work for you but they don't work for me!" says the mysterious girl.

Before he could try them out, he passed out.

Day 2: As visions came forth upon him as the suns beat down on his green eyes, he wakes up in the morning light, sleepy and tired as the moring chills come and cool them off with their breezy chill. When woken up by the bright, yellow sunlight, he looks to his left and right and notices nobody's there. He saw his visions again and agian everytime he looked everywhere. His visions were horrifying to the end as he saw one boy following in the sunshine with the clouds gray and the streets blackish-grayish, the boy went up to him and shot him there as no one saw this. The boy left off and his visions were gone after that.

Walking to the stores, Neku, notices a ramen shop called,"Ramen de Love," and goes inside to see what they had there. He looks at the menu and notices a bright menu with brightly-filled light around it and all of its wonderful meals. Picking one right now would make him feel more hungrier but he knows if he doesn't get any, he'll starve like a crying liger trying to survuve in the wild without food, water, and its family. So he decided to get one. It was called,"Fish & Meat with a lightly steamed Chives." It took them  minutes to perpare it and make it. Neku made it and paid the nice cashier. He ate it as is if he was in a zoo with other sloppy animals. He was full after that and wanted more but couldn't because he had so much. After he gave them their bowl he notices the girl from yesterday. He didn't know if it is yesterday. He went up to the girl and asked her for what happened.

"Yesterday I was fighting the noise and then everything goes balnk! Oh and by the way my name is Sadie Yelvyson!" says Sadie in a delightful tone.

"Oh so thats what happened and what were those things you gave me? They looked like pins." says Neku.

" Well duh, they are pins. The give off a special power on whatever the pin says."

"Oh and how do I use them?"

" I don't know they don't for me whenever I do anything!"

He started clicking and clacking his shoes and says," My name is Neku Sakuraba, nice to meet you!"

Sadie pushes Neku back with sheer force and sees a pin almost hitting him. The pin had a note.

Neku picked it up and he read it out loud saying," Japan is the only place for me, I cherish and love these moments but you better come back to where you came from! From, Me Your Best Friend!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2012 ⏰

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