Laugh a little longer

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It was a bright sunny day in cheesebridge. All the townspeople were bustling with their usual days activities. Our two main protagonists, are enjoying eachothers company in a small vegitatious part of the town away from everyone else.

Eggs and Winnie walked side by side on a gravel path, talking about almost nothing, and yet everything. Eggs was expecially interested in what the mayors daughter had to say. 

"He didn't even ask first!" she was explaining. " In all the towns shops my dad just had to pick this particular one." she huffed and crossed her arms.

"so he stole the cheese?"

"yes! right off the shelf because he "had to have it or his life wouldnt be complete"." she air quoted for emphasis.

Eggs chuckled. " Did he get caught?" he asked disbelievingly.

Winnie giggled at this. " Nope, but the owner of the shop did put up quite a chase!" they both giggled at the thought of mayor Portly Rind getting chased down the street for cheese.

Once they calmed down they continued walking down the path, occasionally taking turns glancing at eachother and then quickly looking back ahead just incase the other noticed. The rest of the walk they continued their conversations. Eggs talked about living with the boxtrolls and Winnie would either smile in admiration or pull a face at some of their strange habbits. Both of which would make the Trubshaw boy laugh. Even better is when Eggs would say something humorous and the pig tailed girl would laugh so hard she would stop walking and rest her weight on his thin shoulder. This, by nature, would make him laugh even harder and they would end up leaning against each other for support. At one point however they couldnt hold each others weight much longer after Eggs had tried to make a good point about how Winnie's life was similar to his in the respect that they were both the same age but then ended up forgeting his age in the process and stuttered the rest of the story.  

Soon after they both fell to the ground in giggles, winnie landing on top. " oh- my gosh  I- didnt mean to-" she tried to say in between fits of laughter.

"its okay- im alright!" Eggs managed to spurt out. "what are we even laughing about? I've forgoten already." They giggled once more before Winnie put a hand to her stomach.

" Ah, I havent laughed like that in a while." she smiled at him.

"Ha me either, he looked back into her blue irises. The pair stayed like that for a while. Winnie was sat on Eggs lap while Eggs was on the gravel leaning back on his hands. " I had a great time today, Winnie." 

Said girl smiled brightly and poked his nose playfully with a short, manicured finger. "me too. in fact I think we should do this again."

"what?" The boy questioned mockingly. " Laugh soo hard that we fall flat on our backsides, forgetting what we were chortling at to begin with?"

" No you silly boy." she giggled and leaned forward, closer to him than he expected.

Eggs blushed and realized something he should of before. His cheeks became redder at the thought and Winnie noticed this.

"Something wrong?"

"No, no, its just.." he thought for a moment. "Should I tell her?" At this close proximity with the girl he could faintly guess she felt the same way. But what if it wasn't what he thought and he was just over analyzing the situation? Would this ruin their friendship?

"Winnifred Portley Rind?" he asked her full name, and at this she raised her brows and cocked her head to the side.

"Yes, Eggs?" she questioned.

"Um, well-" he stuttered. He sat up from his previous position, forcing Winnie to grasp his shoulders to keep herself from falling back.

With this the Trubshaw boys' eyes widened slightly but said nothing nonetheless as he twiddled his thumbs infront of him, staring at the ground.

"I- um, well I've been meaning to tell you something but I havent really figured out what it was until recently, and your probrably going to think I'm a fool for even thinking this and-" as he babbled on, avoiding her gaze at all cost, Winnie gave him an amused smile and scooted even closer to lay a hand on top of his. " are you alright?" she ducked her head under his to catch his green eyes with her azure ones which were filled with more emotion than color.

Blushing worse now that ever he gave her a unsure grin and took hold of the soft hand that layed atop of his. "Winnie, I've gotten unusual feelings for a while whenever i was around you and i wasn't sure how to put them into words and I still am not sure how to so-" he stopped and looked directly at her youthfilled face. His enticing gaze setting her rosey cheeks a blaze. "please dont hate me for this." he said at last.

"Eggs, why on Earth would i ever-" she stopped suddenly as he leaned forward and locked their lips. 

Winnie at first was taken by surprise. She didnt think the boy was this bold and for a moment thoguht of pushing him away just incase he was becoming uncomfortable and all. But as soon as that crossed her mind she pushed it away. She then leaned in further to deepen the kiss and put a hand to his messy brunette hair.

Eggs couldnt believe he was doing this. He had soo many thoughts racing throught his head he couldnt comprehend some of them as if they werent in english. But one main thought stuck out in his mind. He was actually enjoing this. The feeling of her soft pink lips agains his was intoxicating and for a moment he never wanted it to end.

But alas it had to as they both, being human, needed air and Eggs pulled back. Worried at what she might say he looked down as if doing this would block out her words of rejection. instead he felt soft fingers under his chin, lifting his head up, drawing his eyes to meet hers. 

"That was-" she stopped. 

Horrible, awfull, terrible, disgusting. These words flew around his head like flies to a discarded piece of cake.

" Magical." she breathed out at last.

"What?" he couldnt believe his ears. She actually liked that?

"I had no clue you felt that was towards me and well, i feel the same way. So in turn Mr. Trubshaw," she toyed. "That kiss was Magical." she smiled in glee and wrapped her arms around his neck. 

Shocked but estatic he gladly returned the embrace by wrapping his arms around her waist. They let go and looked at eachother one more time before errupting in bouts of heartfelt laughter.

And that night both Eggs and Winnie wished they had laughed a little longer.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2014 ⏰

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