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You stood there laughing at the boys who were just about to go on and perform. Cameron was holding onto your waist. "2 minutes guys" the producer came and said. Cameron whispered in your ear "just wait here i be back as soon as i can" "take your time, love you Cam" "love you more" "EVERYONE STAGE NOW" the man hurried everyone on stage and before Cameron got on stage he turned and gave you a wink and ran on stage. You giggled to yourself. You sat there for a little while scrolling through tumblr. You got bored so you started to close your eyes. Then you were snoring your little bum or. 

You woke to the sound of loud cheering and you awoke to Taylor and Matt Sing confident by Justin bieber. You looked a bit dazed and you had a dry throat so you got up and walked to the vending machine to get a ribena, You felt a strong pair of hands grasp your waist. "what you got there" you recognized the voice from anywhere. You laid your head back on his musclar shoulder and mumbled "ribena" he chuckled. He took the oppurtunity to kiss your neck. You started to wiggle out of his embrase. He looked confused you looked at his puzzeled face and laughed "later i promise" he mumbled and said "okay" you took his hand and walked over to the boys and sat down.

You all made your way to the hotel and chilled in Katie's and Gilinskys bedroom. As Joohnson was telling you guys a story about the time a girl slap him for talking about her.. Katie walked in with Taco Bell. Everyone cheered and took a Taco. You both do a weird 'Friend look' and laughed this made the boys look at you both like you were high . You carried on talking about nonsense that didn't even matter. 

Hours later, Everyone left to go bed or have showers. Cameron deagged you back to your room as Katie and Gilinsky kicked you out as they were both giving eachother the 'eyes' think you didnt see. HAHA

Cameron pulled you in the room and pushed against the wall and kissed you. He kissed you so passionly and you smiled into the kiss because you knew how desprate he actually was. He started to uncloth you and you did the same. You pushed him onto the bad and straddled his waist and started licking his toned aps. He moaned at the feeling. He wanted you more then anything. He rolled you over and he was now placed inbetween your legs and started grinding into you (Ha the teddy bear) You both moaned, at the sudden connection. You both loved each other and tonight he was goning to show you how he truly felt.. 

let your mind run wild with whatever happens next ;) 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2014 ⏰

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