1 intro

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Hiii, so before you read I'd like to say that I spent a lot of time on character development in this chapter, you'll see lots of Yoongi in the next chapter don't worry!

Saturday night out, not at a club or at a friends house but at a small family owned coffee shop in the suburbs. The walls were painted a warm auburn and the air was dense and sweet, though that wasn't a trait of the coffee shop , but of the town itself. It was a pretty rural area, though she lived in what was seen as the downtown part of the city, the bustling metropolitans may firmy disagree with the notion.

Dust being swept in a rushed manner by a weak armed girl, a trace of Norwegian wood playing in the background and the sun slowly disappearing under the mountainous skyline. Aurora was a slender girl, not in stature, but in her thickness.

She had the type of slender body that gently sloped along her waist without hitting bones or fat, she was a naturally skinny girl. Her black long hair fell to her waist in subtle slopes, and murky green eyes peeked through her long eyelashes

It was thirty to five, close to dinner, which was already cooking in the crockpot in the kitchen. Aurora was never someone who indulges herself when it came to food, it simply never appealed to her, but now with living alone she seemed to have shifted at least a centimetre from her ways. Indulging in a single piece of Belgium chocolate exclusively before dinner. She didn't know when it happened or necessarily why, but just as spontaneous as her departure was, it had found its way onto her plate for the last year and a half.

Aurora sat down and bit into her chocolate, letting it slowly melt on her tongue until it dissipated into nothingness. It had become a sort of ritual, she had always had a few rituals along the way, things like knocking on wood, eating m&ms by color and putting on her clothes in order: bra, underwear, pants, shirt then other accessories. These were things that calmed her, though they didn't seem to calm her too much anymore. There was something insurmountably disturbing in the shop, she couldn't put her foot on it, but she felt as if all the layers of her flesh were being slowly pulled back, like someone was staring right into her. She tried not to put too much thought into it, since she was still new to the town, it wasn't necessarily an area she was comfortable in anyways. The small camera clicks and shifting shadows outside her window were just odd premonitions to her, hardly anything real. She had dealt with many fainting spells and odd oversights as she reached puberty so it wasn't a can of worms she wanted to pry her grimy fingers back into again.

To her growing up was a slow but crashing thing, Aurora had been the type of little girl that would pray to grow up and get married, for her specifically; while working as a successful doctor. However without realizing she'd changed her mind and quite fast and pungently, not on the marriage, definitely on the doctor idea but ultimately it was her perspective on life. She no longer wanted to jump into that time, in fact she wanted to turn back the clock, she was only 18 but she sometimes would get hit with this feeling.

It would come when she'd come back into the house after a long winter day, it was the type of feeling that makes you crumble. A memory? Perhaps, but she knew that it'd bring a faint mumbling and the image of a white cloth rocking back and forth. It was as if in that moment she was back in the arms of her mother whispering sweet nothings to her. She didn't know why, but it made her weep.

Aurora had always been an odd girl, or so she would think. You see, there was always something lingering, something different. Maybe it was the lack of something as well? Well, aurora would never quite know. Maybe no one would ever know. What aurora did know was that it would be approximately one second before she sank her teeth into her classic borsh, and that was enough to satiate her rambling thoughts.

Water flowed down her long hair, leaving ripples as they landed into the tub. Warm baths always calmed her, there's something about sitting and doing nothing but wash the dirt of her body while running her comb through her hair. Time would stop, homework would be inconsequential, all the rude customers she would have to deal with gone from existence and all that mattered was the small pitter-patter of the leaky faucet. But while sitting in that tub, scrubbing peach scented shampoo into her scalp she feels it all. All the memories flood back rushing and flowing out of her head into the spuds, the good, the funny, the sad and god knows the bad. She remembers the time she almost drowned in the pool, head held down in the water by one of her naive friends.

She hit them and wailed and struggled, but as kids are, her friends didn't see it as much of an issue. Death wasn't much of a thought. The lifeguard had gone out to talk to his girlfriend who was crying about god knows what and had left these six year olds to fend for themselves. Aurora had been under for about a minute before she let in her first gasp, she felt the cold water rush into her lungs and tasted the piss filled chlorine. As the water entered her lungs she pinched Johnny's balls so hard he had now been the one with possibly permanent damage. It took three seconds for Johnny to react.

In those three seconds Aurora had gained a lifelong experience, the idea of death. As her lungs felt like they were on fire and she was trying to cough it out, she had a single thought. I'm going to die. The little six year old didn't think much about death or pain, she just wanted to be a princess and ride horses and play doctor, but once she was two breaths in she realized why the world has doctors anyways.

Johnny let her go and she grabbed him to come up and coughed so hard she felt her tiny rib cage bend under the pressure of the convulsions. Johnny apologized and said he didn't realize anything was wrong and went on with his day. Aurora sat and thought hard about her experience and imagined what it must have been like for her father when he died at that car accident. Had he gurgled on his blood? Did she feel a sliver of what it was like when his body poured blood down the wrong side after shooting onto the street? Had she seen the same black over cast in his eyes when the oxygen stopped being sent to her brain? She had never thought hard about her father's death, it had just been an accident, not a murder or a torturous death, but now Aurora wasn't so sure and she had fully grasped the idea that she too had the amazing ability to die spontaneously. She latter rode her bike back home and never mentioned a word about it to anyone ever again.

There was a sudden flash and an almost desperate knock in the window she was adjacent to. Coming back to her senses aurora pulled up her head that she had dunked into the water unknowingly, she giggled a bit thinking even her demons appear to be desperately trying to console her. But she shook of the feeling and remembered that even her realization back then had been naive and that there was still much to learn. She let it fall into the water and washed it off.

That's it for the first chapter, that'll probably be the most you'll hear of just Aurora, so keep on for the next chapter! Also sorry if some sayings don't make sense, I speak English and french equally in life so I lack a bit on both sides and tend to mix wording in french with English ones!

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