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I ignore all the text messages and calls I have been receiving from both Ellie and Nolan. I acknowledged their apologies and explanation but didn't care to answer. What more can they possibly say to me? 

The popcorn ceiling was my main focus while lying in Trevor's bed. I noticed a new figure each minute I pondered my sight on it. My head keeps replaying the moments Ellie has been pushing me to be with Chase and the moments Nolan would reject my physical touch or sexual needs. And mostly, picturing her in the shower naked with him. 

He never let me do that with him. Was this all some type of game to him?

Why was I so stupid not to realize it?

The next day I went to class with Trevor. If it weren't for him, I would not have gone.  I was only worried about bumping into Chase, but I no longer need to worry about seeing him again in this class. Professor Brown announced that he would not be with us for the rest of the semester. He is still putting together the field trip for us. 

 I wondered why he dropped the class but was quick to think too deeply about it.

Trevor and I were walking from the cafe, and I got a text from Claudia. 

Claudia: "Call me now!" 

I texted her back. "In class," and placed my phone on do not disturb. Even though the class was over, I did not intend to call her. 

I walk through Trevor's apartment while he was taking a phone call. I could not help but peek in when I passed the nursery room. The walls are baby blue and are set up so nicely with the crib and changing table. There are stuffed animals on the little dresser and a framed picture of the sonogram. It's nifty, like everything else in his Apartment.

"I can't wait till he's." Trevor comes up from behind me, leaving me startled.

"Oh," I chuckle. "It's adorable in there."

"Thanks, I'm not quite done yet. I still want to add some designs to it."

"I could always help you if you need it."

He nods his head and thanks me. "So, I called the house, and no one was there except for Rose. She said you could come by. I'll drop you off if you'll like. I have to go somewhere with Celeste for a little bit."

"It's no problem. I'll take a cab."

"It's on the way. Come on." He gestures his head.

Once we got to the familiar house, Trevor left, and Rose showed me the room I would be sleeping in. "I texted my mom and told her you're here. She can't wait to see you." She tells me. 

I don't say much to her. Instead, I smile. I do not know how to act around Rose. She is part of them. And probably had something to do with the videos.  "Look, I'm sorry about you and Nolan. I saw what happened."

"Did you know anything about it?" I ask.

She shakes her head. "No, I promise you I knew nothing about it." Her head goes down. "I do know that Delilah and Trixi had something to do with it." She plays with her fingers. "I might've been the one to cause the videos, though." Her eyes hit the floor.

"What are you talking about?"

"A family friend of mine on my moms' side of the family had a tech shop. Trixi asked me for some favors, and I wasn't aware of what she needed them for. I promise."

"I'm not surprised." I scoff and fold my arms.

"I was surprised. Delilah has been through a lot, but she's not the type to make someone look bad. So after I found out, I broke things off with her." She frowns.

Addicted To You (TO BE PUBLISHED) Where stories live. Discover now