Love's No Different - (One-Shot for "ADKOA")

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A/N: This is a one-shot between Leonardo and Arabelle (it's their “first time” - Eek!), who are both characters from my completed book A Different Kind of Animal. While you don't need to read this one-shot in order to understand the book, you do need to read the book in order to understand this one-shot if you don't want to be confused at all, so I recommend doing so if you haven't already (find it on my profile). Thank you! Please vote and comment! WARNING: CONTAINS SEXUALITY.


It had been a year since Leonardo had escaped from GenLabs.

Now that high school was over and Arabelle was patiently awaiting the start of college in the fall at the local university, she and Leo were never apart except to sleep. But even in sleep, lately she couldn't keep him out of her dreams.

Remembering one particularly embarrassing dream that caused an intense heat to unexpectedly zing through her body, Arabelle nibbled her bottom lip as her stomach filled with butterflies. She was watching Leo as he attempted to figure out the buttons on her PS3 controller, and she stifled an affectionate giggle as his sleek black claws kept getting in the way. His strong, angular face was pinched up into a look of deep focus, with just a touch of childish frustration that had her lips quirking up into a smile. Sometimes he really was adorable. She would miss the day when he no longer approached everything with such childlike innocence and awe.

For some reason, that lead her thoughts to wonder about how he would react if they were to...

Her cheeks burned hotly and her eyes widened. Arabelle Magnano! she silently scolded herself. Get your mind out of the gutter!

Besides, that wasan equally new experience to the both of them, not just to Leo. Gnawing on her lip more vigorously, she tried to will her hormonal body to listen to her brain. At the same time, Leo suddenly groaned and plopped the controller onto the coffee table, dropping his head into his hands and rubbing his eyes.

“Arabelle,” he growled, sounding tortured.

Startled, she sat up straighter on the couch, hoping her flaming cheeks wouldn't give her thoughts away. “Y-Yeah?”

He turned his head, his bright golden eyes piercing hers, making her stomach flop. That look wasn't helping her raging hormones any. Without warning, he suddenly leaned toward her, capturing her lips with his, making a startled moan escape her throat. Over the last year, his kissing had definitely improved, and she practically turned into hot goo on the couch, sinking against him. Usually, she could tell that he was restraining himself. This time, though, his mouth was surprisingly hungry, sending a thrilling rush through her body as his tongue coaxed her lips open and swiveled inside her mouth. She could just feel the hard pressure of his canines pressing against her lips, and for some reason that sensation excited her all the more, leaving her body practically pulsing with need.

When he pulled away, leaving her breathless, his expression was pained. “Do you have any idea what that smell does to me?”

She was still getting used to him saying things like that, and he had once again stumped her. “What smell?” she replied hazily, blinking up at him in confusion.

Leo sighed, resting his forehead against hers, his eyes closed. She could tell that he was debating answering her. Huffing, he finally just said flat out, “You're aroused.”

She gaped at him. Oh God, just bury me now!

She could have died from embarrassment. This wasn't the first time that she'd felt this way around him – meaning this wasn't the first time that he must have known what was going through her head. Now, a little guiltily, she understood all the pained expressions that she'd been seeing on his face over the past several days.

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