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My name is Wynter, I'm nineteen, I have two cousins and both of them are famous. Thanks to my case-worker on foster care, I have to stay with my cousin Harry. Harry is known for being in a band called One Direction and my other cousin, Roxy, is known for acting.
I was waiting in the car for Jack (my case worker) to finish talking with Harry. "She hates sleep, she goes to the beach to think, and she won't come out of her room to interact with others." Harry just kept nodding his head. Jack walked over to my door and unlocked it. I grabbed my jacket, back-pack and walked out the door. "Wynter you remember your cousin Harry right?" He asked me. I had my headphones in my ears so all I did was nod. "Wynter! I've missed you so much!" Harry said. He reached out his arms to give me a hug. I held up one hand, took out my headphones and gave him a serious look. "You know what I remember? I remember the jackass who didn't try to take custody of me, you just left me there with drunk Roxy! Do you know what kind of things she did to me?!" I turned my hand over and he saw three bruises running from my wrist to my elbow. "I'm sorry Wynter, I just needed to keep my career in check." Harry said. I shook my head and let a tear streak down my face. "So money was more important than family. We were so close Harry, but you've changed. I don't know who you are anymore. After I had to go live with Roxy you never came for me. Never. Do you know how I felt?!" My voice was starting to break and tears were rushing down my face.
Harry shook his head 'no' and I scoffed. "Of course you don't. You never really cared about me, did you?" Harry didn't say anything for a while so we just sat in silence. "You can go now Jack." I said. He got into his car, locked the door, put his seatbelt on and drove off. "Where's my room?" I asked with a stern voice. Harry took me inside and showed me up stairs. He pointed to a room that said "Wynter and Evan" I opened a door to a boy with brownish-blond hair and dark brown eyes. He looked like he was fifteen or sixteen. "Who's this?" The boy asked. I introduced myself and walked in to put my stuff down. "Wynter, what a beautiful name! My name's Evan." He said. I knew from how cute he was and how nice he was that we would get along just fine.

Harry on the other hand, now that is going to take some work

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