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~Amelia's Perspective~

I take the cab back to Rachel's and Alexander's houses. I wasn't sure what I was thinking last night going to Chases, but I just felt like I had to talk to him. Even though I should hate him, I can never stop thinking about what we had going on.

"Good morning. Where did you run off to last night?" Rachel runs into me before I head up the steps.

I tell her good morning, and I smile back. "I went to go talk to a friend, but they weren't home, so I went again this morning."

"Oh, for a second, I was worried about you." She exhales. "Take my number down, in case you might need me, and Alexander's number too." She hands me her phone.

Alexander comes up from behind Rachel and kisses her on her lips. He Is wearing a black tie and suit; he must be off to work. "What about Alexander?" He asks.

She giggles and then clears her throat. "Alex, remember Amelia, Trevor's friend? She's staying in one of the guest rooms for a while."

"I do remember her, Allie's daughter, right?" He asks me, and my brows raise. I was shocked because he said my mom's name, and I never told anyone about her like that. "Is everything ok?" He asks. 

I shake the thought off. It can't be that serious, anyway. I'm sure he knows people connected to her. She always went to New York without me. I only remember going once when I was five, but I don't remember the trip itself.

"I'm just in the process of finding a new apartment," I tell him.

"I know how hard that is. You can stay as long as you want. No need to rush." I love how kind Trevor's parents are. "Where's Trevor? I need to speak with him."

"He's probably in class, which is where I should be." I grin.

"Tell him to come by for dinner. I can make you guys something." Rachel includes. I nodded my head, and they walked off. The Millers are so good together, they both have a successful jobs with a nice house and a family, and they seem to love each other very much. Everything I dreamed of having when I was younger.

I look down at my phone and see a text from Chase. 

Chase <3: "Don't chicken out. Talk to Ellie." 

 I like that he is encouraged to be better about this situation. I know I should be an adult and talk it out, but I am so upset with her; I can't even look her in her face without wanting to punch her, and I am no fighter.

I stand in front of my apartment with some bags and other things to pack some more stuff and clothes. I wonder if Ellie is even here. The apartment is empty. Neither Delilah nor Trixi is in their rooms since the doors are open. My room door is closed.

Once I unlock it, I find Ellie lying there with her phone in her hand. She sits up and fixes her eyes on me. "Amelia?"

"I'm here for the rest of my stuff." That is all I say while walking in.

"You're moving out? Don't be ridiculous. I can leave and go back home." She gets off my bed.

"So, you can get more time with Nolan?" I say sarcastically.

"No." She shakes her head at me and gives me direct eye contact. I can't even tell if she is lying or not.

"Don't bother then. I was planning on leaving this apartment before you got here anyway." I shove past her to my nightstand.

"Where are you going to stay?"

"That's not your concern." I shove everything in the bag. Why did Chase make me do this? It's harder than I thought. Speaking with her makes me feel like a fool. She fooled me and was good. I wonder how hard it was for her to put up an act around me, knowing that she is stabbing me behind my back. She gets that from her father, who is cruel and ruthless.

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