Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: I do not own Star Trek, or Weyoun, or Damar, much to my detriment :P.

Weyoun bowed his head respectfully, dutifully to his god. He inclined his head again, but only by a fraction of a degree, as the hoard of other high ranking Dominion personnel came into the room. Thor Gor was next, and the Breen commanding officer said something in his people's obscure language before taking a seat and nodding in acknowledgement to the Vorta's own nod. Behind him was the Jem'Hadar First, but Weyoun could not help but wonder why exactly he had invited such a guest. After all, the Jem'Hadar did not like... well, anything, really. They did not eat or drink or sleep or reproduce or even really argue. They barely even talked, except when it was obviously absolutely necessary that they did so.

Of course, the Vorta did not reproduce - at least in regards to the conventional meaning of the word, anyway - but they were not quite as 'different' as the Jem'Hadar were. The Vorta ate and drank and slept, just like the vast majority of other 'normal' species did across the galaxy, with the Borg and Species 8472 being exceptions, Weyoun duly noted. There were even, however odd it sounded, reports originating in the not so distant past of Vorta taking partners and marrying and falling in love.

Absurd, Weyoun thought, but the judgement did take a while to appear in his mind.

Coming in behind the Jem'Hadar First were a myriad of other soldiers of either the Breen or Jem'Hadar variety. It was behind them that Weyoun caught sight of the Cardassians. At the head of their line was Damar. He looked very, very annoyed. Weyoun even wondered if there was a word stronger than 'annoyed'. He didn't feel that it did Damar's mood justice.

Damar made a sort of grunt-like noise when Weyoun smiled his insufferable smile at him and bowed his head ever so slightly in acknowledgment.

"Damar," Weyoun said in his kindest voice.

Damar didn't believe the positive intention that Weyoun had put into his own voice and rolled his eyes. "If you're expecting a friendly smile from me," Damar muttered to him, being careful to keep his voice down. He has already managed to arouse more than a lot of suspicion on his part. "Then you've got another thing coming."

Weyoun only brightened his smile. "Anything I expect from you, Damar," he said, adopting a dangerous tone, "is never done."

Damar opened his mouth to protest.

Weyoun, however, raised a pale finger to silence the Cardassian before any words had even been spoken. "Is never done properly," the Vorta amended his words. "Now," he said defiantly. "Sit down."

"There aren't any seats, Weyoun," Damar muttered, almost spitting out Weyoun's name.

Weyoun smiled ingratiatingly at Damar. "Oh, well... You could always stand."

A muscle in Damar's strong jaw jumped. "Or," he said firmly, "I could go back to my quarters."

Weyoun laughed - which made Damar wince out of sheer frustration - and shook his head slowly. "So you can entertain more of your lady-friends?" he mocked Damar.

Damar was close to breaking point, close to knocking Weyoun out there and then.

"I think not," Weyoun said decidedly. He pointed to a seat at the very back of the reasonably sized viewing room. "There is a seat, I believe, next to that Breen officer."

Damar rolled his eyes.

"Perhaps if you ask him nicely, he would stop taking up two seats and you can sit down." Weyoun watched Damar closely, as if wary of an incoming punch.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2014 ⏰

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