Chapter 8 Nightmare of a Devil

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Pipers POV
Everything was a blur, I knew I had woken up from a nightmare but I can't remember what it was about. There was no sign of Liu, he must still be out. I looked down to the sleeping cat on the right side of me. I pet the semi furry creature to greet him. A purr and meow escaped his mouth. I smiled and let him while I relaxed my breath and body, whatever dream I had must've been a bad one, I usually don't get panic attacks as bad as this one was. I looked at the clock, 2am. Liu must been really busy. Ugh I wish he'd come home already so we could talk. I yawned as I got out of the bed.

I opened my door to the hallway, my eyes scanned the hallway to make sure no others in the house were awake. It was safe. I quickly tip toed to the kitchen to get a glass of water and maybe a piece of mush Mellon. "Good evening Piper." I jumped and squeaked a little. Slender. "Damnit sir you almost gave me a heart attack!" A chuckle came from under his breath. A moment of silence went between us before he took a folder out from behind his back. It had my birth name on it. It was my folder. "I meant to talk to you about this little raven." I stood there silent, why did it feel so serious all of a sudden, and why was he looking at me with... eyes of regret and sadness, almost guilty? "I know who your parents are" I shook my head. "They knew who my mother was and I do too-" he cut me off. "I know that, but I know who your father is, he left you just when you were a baby and it's the biggest mistake he's ever made." I felt tears start to escape my eyes, I felt my heart stop and drop all at once. Silence. Pure silence.

"Hannah... I should have never left you, but your mother was psycho. When I told her what I was she went nuts. I figured the best was for you to grow up in The human world." Tears. Tears starting running down my face. Pain. A pain in my chest. A stabbing pain. I just found my father, why am I so upset?? This should be great news. I should be asking him questions. Getting to know him, hugging him and telling him how much this meant to me. But I couldn't move. My body was shacking and frozen in place. I couldn't bring words to my mouth. Was it too late to be hearing this. Maybe being past midnight I couldn't function right. I was so lost in thought that I didn't feel the warm hands holding. I opened my eyes to Slenderman, my father, holding me. So tight. Then the word finally escaped my lips. "Daddy?..." his hug got tighter. "Yes daughter?" My heart sank once again. I felt myself get weak in my knees. My father caught me. I cried and sobbed into his shoulder blade. He was so tall and amazing. A strong man, everything I wanted a father to be. As I closed my eyes and started to calm down, my nightmare finally came back to me, a tall man, dark suit and tie, and no face, just blank. Why did that come back to me now all of a sudden? I shook it off. I was just happy to have a father in my life for once. "Little raven, I'm afraid it's late and you need sleep. Allow me to walk you back to your room so you can sleep." I nodded and tried to move, but my knees were still weak. Before I could say anything I was being lifted up. This man I now knew as father lifted me up and took me to my room. He opened the door and chuckled. "I see Grinny has made a new friend."

I giggled at my fathers joke. "Grinny... what a nice name, fitting." I felt my father lay me on the nice soft bed and rush a hand through my hair. I felt a kiss on my forehead, god I have t had that since I was 7. I smiled a little, his hand left my face and I heard the door slowly close. Everything felt so bad and good at the same time, I felt someone pulling at my blankets. I then decided to let Grinny into my covers so we could sleep. 3am, Liu where are you? I needed to talk to him bad. About my name change, everything. I understand he's busy but he should still make at least a little time for me. I shook my head and turn to the left side of the bed. I pet the small cat that was next to me buried under the soft blankets, and started to doze off again until I heard the door open once again, I jolted up to see Liu taking off his shoes. His eyes met mine and the tired expression soon left his face. He went to worried and scared. "Piper what the hell happened?! Have you been crying?! Who made you so upset?! I'll kill them!" I hushed Liu with my finger when he got closer to me. "Liu please people are trying to sleep and these guys I'm sure won't just threaten to kill" Liu shut up and started to talk softer. "What happened?" I shook my head and got up from the bed, Liu followed. I gave him the folder with my birth name. He furrowed his brows at me while I handed it to him, Liu took a cigarette out of the box on the dresser. When he began to read it, his eyes followed each word, as he got to the next page, that's when he went from normal and curious to... hurt, angry, and confused. "Liu?..." he looked at me then back at the papers then me. "I'm... I'm so sorry, this is so unfair to you." I shook my head at the beautiful boy. "I found my father" he looked at me shocked. "All in one day?" He jokes towards me. "My father kinda came to me" I said with a nervous laugh. Liu's head tilted. "You're not gonna believe this, it's pretty crazy" Liu looked at me, then smiled a small smile. "I deal with monsters the abnormal and demons on a daily, try me" I shook my head and looked down "okay if you say so" I sighed and gulped. How in the great god do I tell him this. Maybe it's like a bandaid? I looked up at him feeling tears start to swell in my eyes. He looked concerned. Here goes nothing. "My father is the Slenderman"...

To be continued

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