Part one, finding out shes pregnant

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          9 am

One morning bellatrix wakes up feeling odd, she goes about her day doing normal things, untill it's time for her to go to Malfoy Mannor. Bellatrix apperates to malfoy mannor to go and see her sister Narcissa,
"Hello cissy I'm here" Bella let's Narcissaknow she's there
"Bella come in its good to see you again how are you?"  Narcissaasks her sister leading her into the living room
"Ummm well I've been feeling odd. And sick and I don't know why"
"Bella have you you know done it recently?"
"Umm yeah about 3 weeks ago"
"Bella take this" Narcissa gets somthing from the bathroom
"It will tell you if your pregnant or not"
Bellatrix goes into the bathroom and takes the test, once it's down she walks back to we're her sister is ,
Narcissa looks at the text and take in a breath
"Bella your pregnant" she says slowly
Bella shocked I mean who would of thought the Bellatrix Lestrange is pregnant!
Bella leaves and goes back to her house and thinks who the babies farther is, you wanna know, it's Tom Riddle aka lord voldemort
There's a Death Eaters meeting tonight so she planned to tell him she's pregnant with his baby after the meeting

The meeting is over Bella stays behind
"Bella why are you stayed behind?"
"My lord"
"Bella it's Tom when no ones around"
"Tom I im pregnant it's yours" "please don't hate me"
"Bella I could never hate you, it's okay we will get through it ok"

       Bellatrix sister Narcissa is pregnant with her and Lucius baby bellatrix is 4weeks pregnant and Narcissa is 8 almost 9 weeks pregnant so there babies will be close in age

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2019 ⏰

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Bellatrix Lestrange and Tom Riddles daughter Where stories live. Discover now