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"Can ..." my voice is only a whisper.

It is impossible to miss him because of his height and bulk. He is at least one head taller than everybody else around him. Is it a coincidence? Has he planned it all? How could he know that I'm leaving today? Was I betrayed by Leyla? Emre? Both?

My mind is going crazy. I turn towards Ayhan but she hasn't seen him ... yet. We arrived early because we wanted to take our time and make the most of Istanbul brand new airport. I love airports. I love watching the faces of people as they leave or as they reunited with their loved ones. I imagine the stories behind the smiles, the embraces, the tears. So many possible outcomes, so many dramas, so many happy endings. So, what is my story – our story – going to be?

There is no time for tergiversation. We're supposed to meet Yiğit at the boarding gate. I will have to remember to thank Ayhan for that later by the way. He really wanted to come and pick me up at my parents'. "Yuck", comments Ivy. Ivy - or IV - is my inner voice. It's been quite active recently and it absolutely loathes Yiğit. He was quite displeased and upset after I refused his offer to take me to the airport.

I hope he gets the message I'm definitely not interested in him. I will have to find a new editor as soon as I'm done with the book promotion tour.

Ivy hums in agreement.

Back to the mountain who's coming towards me. There's no way we can avoid each other. Our paths are bound to meet somehow. I snicker quietly at the sight of this large man, unaware of the reaction he triggers in the people around him. They just spontaneously get out of his way. Naturally many women turn around to have a better look at this fine specimen. They do not stand a chance. Absolutely not one. He doesn't not notice them. Actually, he cannot even see them.

"Moses crossing the Red Sea" ironizes Ivy.

I choose to ignore its comment. I do so most of these days. I don't know who's the inner Sanem and who's the real one anymore because we seem to have switched places and opinions. Ivy used to criticize my childish behaviour towards Can. But now! Well, now it defends him tooth and nail. I decided to take a stand and assert myself as a woman who can make her own decision and who is going to lead her life and career the way she wants them to be. I won't be anybody's puppet. Enough!

As I'm lost in my militant thoughts, I suddenly feel the warmth of his gaze upon my face. His whole body seems to awaken at my sight. His strides are more determined. His course resolute. I am his target and he's coming straight at me. If he could run, I think he would.

His stare just paralyzes me and I just stand there. Arms stiff along my body, my head slowly tilting and my lips parting at the sight of this real-life Zeus.

Ayhan wakes me up from my trance and I dismiss her quickly with some silly errands to run. I'm ashamed of manipulating my best friend that way but I can't have her making a big scene. She is still very mad at him for leaving me.

I do not move. I let him close the few metres between us. I will not make it easy for him. Not this time.

I can read a sort of juvenile hope in his eyes. His dimples are ready to get into action and shine into that incredible Divit smile.

I know I won't be able to resist him so I jump at his throat, showing him no sympathy. No mercy.

"Why are you here?"

"Why did you come?"

"I didn't know", he answers apologetically, dulling the spark in his eyes and smoothing the dimples out.

"It's a coincidence, Sanem. Really ..."

"So ...", he starts, "Where are you going?"

Until I See You Again ... (A CanEm Story)Where stories live. Discover now