Chapter 01

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Authors Note : so this books first two chapters are inspired by another book so dont come at me and enjoy

Cover art is frm you all shld follow her

Chapter 01

Yeah, that was me and the sweet person yelling my name was Tilly, my little sister.

The aftermath of her voice was still in my head.

"Leo come on, we're going to be late."
Tilly shouted from downstairs, she sounded frustrated. I didn't blame her, I'd feel worse if I were in her place.
We were going to a big wedding, I meant a grand wedding. It was her friend Ana's wedding and I wanted to tag along.

I didn't know much about her friend but I knew they were super close and Tilly was going to be the maid of honour.

I never wanted to go for the wedding, I had plenty of homework from school due on Wednesday but when Tilly kept talking about the wedding and how spectacular it was going to be, I became intrigued.

Now she was waiting for me while I struggled with the chignon I decided to do.

I had everything planned for today's event, my brown hair was long making it hard to style my hair the way I wanted.

I was in this late because I forgot the time for the wedding and now I was a mess.

"Coming, I just need to put on the trousers."

I lied, I had to still not put on my suit.
I won't be surprised if my sister decided to ditch me, it was her friend's wedding anyway but I won't miss it for the world.

"Oh my God Leo, what the hell are you doing up there?!" Tilly shouted.

She was my ride to the wedding and my invitation card as well.

"Leo!" my mom screamed.

"Almost done!" I screamed.

"I give up, I'm leaving. Ellie will kill me if I show up five minutes late."

I heard her say, it was what my mom wanted, they refused to allow her to stay the night at Ellie's house and she couldn't attend the bachelorette party because my mom believed it was a lame party for ill-mannered women.

"Wait, give me five seconds!"
I screamed, I grabbed suit.
I picked up my boots and body spray and rushed out of the room.

"Sorry, I forgot where I left my suit." I lied while running down the stairs barefoot, and just when I was about to get off the last step the worse happened.

Everything in my hand fell and I slipped and bruised my hand.
I stood upright and stared at my sister who looked like she was about to murder someone.

My mother looked frustrated too, did I forget to mention that my mom is the type that expected you to never do anything wrong? They love perfection and right now I was the opposite.

All my life I had tried to look like the perfect son though I was far from it.

"Sorry, I will just pick them up and...."
"You know what? I can't wait anymore not even for you to breath. Call your girlfriend I'm sure she won't mind giving you a ride."

I hated Tilly when she was angry, there was this look she always gave me like I was the worse person on planet earth.

Her dark eyes blazed in anger as she stared at me.
I envied her perfect height and oval face, she could be mistaken for a model.
"But I don't have an invitation."
I grumbled.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2019 ⏰

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