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Rachel begins to get a head start on the food before I was available to help

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Rachel begins to get a head start on the food before I was available to help. I was up for the challenge of cooking, I do it so often I didn't mind. During the prep we made fun of the men, stating that we would rather eat shit, then eat their cooked meals. I know for a fact Chase can't cook because he never seems to have the time for it.

"Trevor and Celeste will be here soon." Rachel says while dicing peppers and onions on her shiny-marble granite counter.

"They are attending too?" Chase's head pops up. His whole demeanor had transformed, he went from mellow to tight in an instant.

"I invited them last minute since Celeste is done with her appointment. Amelia, can you give me a hand? I have something in the oven." She jerks her head to the food in front of her.

I look at Chase and place my hand on his shoulders. "Behave yourself," I tell him. I've been around him long enough to know what he's thinking. When Trevor is around It's like a switch goes off, and suddenly, he forgets how to talk to people the suitable way.

It's been nearly an hour being in the kitchen with Rachel. She didn't make a lot, the main reason being that her family doesn't eat left overs. But she put away an extra plate for Celeste to take home to Mary. She proceeds to work on the salad, while I put frosting on mini cakes with strawberries on top. "You being here to help, makes this ten times better! I texted Rose to come by, but she didn't answer." Rachel wipes her hands on her apron. "I miss having someone to do this with." She shrugs in a disappointed way.

"I used to cook with my mom before she passed. She was working on going sober and things were good, until it wasn't. I do it with my aunt  now, but it's not the same."

"May I ask how she died; her name is Allie, right?"

"Yeah, she had a terrible crash."

"Sorry to hear, and your dad?"

"I never met him. He left us when I was just a baby. My mom said he left her for some girl that lives in Cincinnati." I lift my shoulders nonchalantly.

"Ohio? That's a weird spot to go towards."

"I agree. She didn't talk about him that much, not even to my aunt."

"You're aunt. She's your guardian?"

I nod my head, and Chase walks back into the kitchen with his handsome, tall figure and chiseled face. I can never get enough of how good he looks.

"I hate to be the one to rush things, espsincd you two are working so hard in here. But is dinner almost ready?" His upper body leaned over the counter where I had been stationed do the dessert.

He winks at me playfully before scooping some whipped cream from the cake to his mouth. I scoot the tray of cakes away from him.

"Oh hush, you are impatient like your father." Rachel comes between us to grab a few plates. She hands them to Chase, in a way that screamed, make yourself useful and fix the table.

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