Sometimes the Hero's Lose

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Wednesday April 17th was a normal day at UA High, the greatest hero school of all of the world. Every top hero went there for their last three years of school. It was the middle of the sports festival when suddenly the League of Villains attacked. The whole festival was broad-casted live on television so everyone watched the dreadful villains attack the students. The League of Villains destroyed the whole arena and hurt a couple of people yet they were only there for one person, Awsten Knight, UA's top first year student. Geoff, Otto, Melanie and Jawn all tried helping attack the villains even when the teachers told them not too, they disobeyed the rules trying to save their friend. The League of Villains successfully kidnapped Awsten.
It was currently a week later and the villains successfully turned Awsten into one of them. His once green hair was now black with hints of the natural colour and instead of his usual green uniform he now wore a black suit with white gloves covering his scarred hands. Dabi, a member of the League of Villains was currently informing Awsten on the mission he was about to go on. After Dabi explained Awsten was ready to go, with a snap of his fingers his hair and uniform changed back to the one everyone last saw him at the sports festival and headed back too UA High. It might be hard to notice he's not himself anymore but since some of class 1-A is extremely smart they might sense something's off.
Awsten got to UA High and long story short, everyone, I mean everyone, was shocked and extremely happy that he was back safely and alive. Jawn, class 1-A's representative went to go tell the school's principal that Awsten was back safe and alive. "AWSTEN YOU'RE BACK, ARE YOU OKAY?!?!?!?" Melanie ran down the hall screaming when she heard the news. "I'm fine, no major injuries only a few scrapes and bruises."
Awsten replied to her and he got a hug back in response. 'Why does she have to care so much?' he thought to himself about the dual toned hair girl. "I'm so happy you're back!" Melanie said again, as soon as she spoke he felt the shoulder of his sweater getting wet because Melanie started crying happy tears.
Their hug got broken up because the principal and teachers all rushed to Awsten when Jawn appeared in the office and told them the news, they took him to Recovery Girl to take care of his injuries. Recovery Girl bandaged his arm and got rid of all the visible scrapes and bruises. None of them noticed anything off, they all blamed it on Awsten being taken by the League of Villains. "Nice too have you back kid." Mr. Hemmings, Class 1-A's teacher told him once he came out of Recovery Girl's office. "It's nice to be back here Mr. Hemmings, I should go get some sleep now though i'm really tired." Awsten replied walking away too his dorm room. Otto was watching Awsten since he got back, 'he couldn't have escaped the League of Villains without getting majorly injured, or almost killed' Otto thought to himself keeping a close eye on his so called classmate.
Awsten stepped inside his dorm room, pulled out his phone and called Dabi, "I forgot how much everyone here cares it's freaking annoying." Awsten said in a whisper to the phone speaker, hoping nobody was listening, "Suck it up, you can last a week just don't break your cover!" Dabi replied. "Fine, I promise I won't break my cover, everyone's blaming me for being in a crappy mood after being gone for so long..I should go before anyone hears me." Awsten said back, still in a whisper. "Bye." He said and hung up the phone before Dabi could reply. Once the phone hung up Awsten fell backwards onto the plain, blue bed sheets on top of the bed and faded away into a peaceful sleep because he truly was tired. Since it was late all the other students decided to sleep and prepare for the adventurous days ahead of them.
The next day went by like any other normal day. Classes went on exactly like they always did, a little bit of proper schooling and the rest of the day was training for the future. Everyone that passed Awsten in the halls were overly excited that UA High's top student was back safe and alive. Otto still being suspicious kept a close eye again through the whole day, running a hand through his spiky platinum blonde hair, cautiously following Awsten, trying to see if it was actually him. When the school day ended Awsten went too tell Mr. Hemmings he was going home to see his mom, he felt someone watching him and turned around, Otto quietly sprinted behind a wall and wasn't seen, he decided it wasn't safe to keep following his classmate so he headed back to the dorms. Awsten got to his home room teachers class, told him he was visiting his mom and left.
Awsten went to his room, only to be met with the sight of Geoff Wigington sitting on his bed, his half red half white hair covering his face. He tried to hide his confusion and didn't have any time to spare before the red and white haired boys lips were meeting his. "Awsten" gasped into the other boy's mouth. Geoff frowned against his lips. "You aren't Awsten. Are you?"
Awsten pulled away from the other boy and in response Geoff froze Awsten's feet in place. Geoff circled around him, the ice slowly climbing up Geoff's arm while doing so, "Where's the real Awsten? What did you do to him?" His carefulness turned into anger.
"Geoff, it's me, what are you talking about-",
"I know my boyfriend. Who are you and where is he?"
"What are you talking about-"
Geoff glared at him. "Otto told me you aren't acting like yourself and I was worried. So I came to your dorm room, and you were on the phone with someone, I listened in. I know you aren't the real Awsten."
Awsten's fake confused expression dropped, replaced with a spiteful look. "Wow, Wigington. Guess you aren't as dumb as I thought you were."
Geoff raised his hands, about to use his powers.
Awsten rolled his eyes, "Oh, Geoff. Hurt me and you'll never see the real Awsten ever again. If you want him to remain alive, don't utter a word to anyone about this."
Geoff lowered his arms, "You wouldn't-"
"Don't test us, Wigington. One wrong move and your little boyfriend is dead."
Inwardly panicking, he frowned. "Why are you doing this? Awsten never did a single bad thing to any of you!"
"Because it's what has to be done. Now leave, or your Awsten will be next." he smirked
"Next? What are you talking about?"
"Awsten" gave him a knowing smile and the next thing Geoff knew, he was pushed out of the dorm room. The last Geoff saw of Awsten that day was the sight of his neon green hair standing all messily on top of his head

In a daze, he walked back to his own dorm room. He did not want to play a part of anything with the League of Villains but, he couldn't risk Awsten getting hurt.
So he did the only thing he could do, he went to go find Otto.
When he got to Otto's room he was nowhere in sight. He looked in every single place that he knew Otto frequently visited, but he couldn't find him. Anywhere.
Geoff was starting to panic.

Awsten walked out of the dorms with slight anger bubbling inside of him. He knew what he needed to do to make a point. After paying a visit to his mom he was going to go too the villains main base.

Geoff made his way back into the building and was met with the sorrowful expressions of students and teachers alike. Geoff looked at them with confusion, and they looked at him with what looked like pity. He went up to Jawn, the first person that he recognized.
"Jawn? What happened?"
"Oh my god, Geoff. You don't know?" he looked so sad and Geoff has no clue why. He shook his head no. "Ot- Otto he's gone."
Geoff's heart was beating fast.. Yes Otto was rude too a lot of people but once you really start to know him he's a kind hearted person that just wants to make his parents happy. And he was his friend. Someone that Geoff could always talk to, someone who always knew exactly what to say to make everything better.
"Wh...What do you mean?"
"Geoff, I'm so sorry. He's dead. Otto's dead."
And with that, Geoff felt his already barely kept together world shatter. Tears running down his face.

Awsten visited his mom, she was oozing out with happiness that her only son, her world was alive. They had a nice conversation but it ended quickly when Awsten stated he had to go finish school work that he missed, but he was actually going too Dabi and the League of Villains base too say their mission has too end five days early because someone found out. A snap of his fingers and he turned into the villain him, black hair with a black suit and white gloves covering the once scarred hands.
He got to the base after ten minutes of walking and told everyone what happened and they all agreed they had to end it early.

Suddenly UA High was engulfed in Dabi's blue flames, the villains got what they wanted. They won. The heroes didn't know what hit them. And consumed by grief, Geoff didn't even bother to try to escape his fate. As Geoff died, deep down where a part of the real Awsten resides in the monster he was forced to become. The villains walked out just in time too only get a few minor burns, smiling too themselves while hearing the screams of the young students, teachers and heroes. No more big heroes too stop them. America was finally under their control. Everyone would know who they are now.

The end

Thanks to ShadowunterOfArtemis for the help with this 😳✌️

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2019 ⏰

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