Part I

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Neo was as ordinary as any twenty-three year old guy could be. He was slender built, average height and full of excess energy. Mixed with African, Chinese and East Indian heritages, he appeared as a caramel coloured, narrow eyed ‘douglar’[1]. He kept his wavy hair that appeared dirty brown in the sunlight short, except for a few spiky strands at the forehead. He worked in a print Company at the edge of town, grabbed a couple of beers with the guys at the end of the week, watched some unsolicited material on his laptop from time to time, enjoyed hard rock music, and of course, checked out the rear end of Violet every chance he would get, as she walked wittily by wearing pants a fit too small for her size. She’d giggle every time she’d caught him in the act, making it harder for him to understand why she’d refused his so many attempts to ask her out on a date. But Neo had enough of the plain life that he led and saw it fit to seek out the vast alternative world that existed beyond his knowledge so eagerly expressed by his good friend Truce on many occasions.

            Today was the day that Neo agreed to die. What else did he have to live for? He lived in a run-down town house with his energetic grandmother who was too occupied chasing the gardener, carpenter, plumber, even the mail man, any man that was below the age of thirty, whose attention she had, even if the attention was just to explain why she needed their services. She would believe that they were attracted to her and would even encourage their continued return by stuffing them with her famous gourmet fruit pies. She wouldn’t miss him a bit, Neo believed. She had always encouraged him to get his own apartment, or deceive rich old women that he was in love with them to safeguard an inheritance that both he and she would enjoy. She had despised his mother, her only daughter, who saw it fit to travel the world with the ‘love of her life’: an aspiring, yet still unsuccessful musician. The latest they heard is that she had ‘settled down’ with him, three babies and all, and could not afford to keep her promise to return for Neo and look after him anymore, given their volatile income. That was seven years ago. Also, neither Neo nor his mother knew who his father was, so who would miss him if he suddenly disappeared without a trace?

His only hope was that Violet would miss him, the love of his life. She was perfect. She had the perfect anatomy, emo styled, black, shiny hair with a streak of violet, the sassiest type of stride and the most appealing giggle. She would cause his heart to race marathons, his palms to sweat rivers, his knees to quiver, and voice to stutter. This must be love. He would do anything for her, even if it meant he was to take the blame for the missing stationery, the overuse of ink, the lost packets of coffee, or unmet deadlines. He may even “catch a grenade” for her. Yet, all she would say is “Thank you Ne-ne!” in the most sweetest, softest of voices, that Neo would only hear angels singing, birds chirping, and streams flowing. She would always answer “we’ll see” every time he’d ask her out on a date... for the past two years. As Neo filed the last sheet of paper and the clock struck four pm, he received a text message on his mobile. “It’s time! Meet me in Darcy alley at 4:30 pm sharp! And come alone...that is, of course, if you are still interested.”  

“Where are you rushing off to so fast on this Friday afternoon Mr. Walcott?” Neo’s bubbly but sharp supervisor questioned, with one hand on her hip. She was short and chubby with a boisterous voice that seemed too big for her stature. “’s after 4 pm Ms. Tate. Aren’t I allowed to leave?” “Weeell yes but, you promised that you’d help me sort out those boxes of files, remember!” She replied blinking. “Oh shoot! Yes. Sigh!” Neo could not pass up the opportunity to meet Truce in Darcy alley and enter the unknown realms he had spoken of, but he did remember assuredly promising Ms. Tate that he’d help her. She was attempting an innocent smile now, holding her hands in front of her, swaying and staring into Neo’s eyes for a response. Neo knew that if he turned her down now that she’d blow up in his face and punish him cunningly for the next few weeks. That was her custom. She would be accommodating, bubbly, friendly and helpful when she got what she wanted, but the moment one refused to satisfy her ego, she’d transform into a snake. “Actually Ms. Tate, an emergency came up.” Ms. Tate immediately stopped swaying, her smile reversed and forehead crinkled.  Neo struggled to assemble a quick lie. “Err...yeah. Um. My eer...” Ms. Tate was now moving in closer to Neo with a pouted mouth and both hands on her waist. She looked like if her ears were about to exude steam. “My grandmother is really ill.” By now Ms. Tate was trembling. Neo continued to strengthen his alibi. “She really needs me to be home right away. She is all I have. I can’t afford to lose her,” he sorely expressed. But Ms. Tate was still trembling with hands on her waist, a frowned forehead and a pouted mouth, peering up at Neo. “I’m an only child and my parents abandoned me?” Neo questioned, now cringing and almost leaning backwards as Ms. Tate’s posture had forced him to be. He knew Ms. Tate would explode at any moment.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2014 ⏰

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