Chapter I: The Suitors

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"My Lady is the most fairest woman in this land. Not just with her looks, she also posses the kindest hearts I've ever known. Lady Yaya is precious to me, and to this mansion as well. So then," a pair of blue eyes stared intensely at the two men sitting in front of her.

One man sitting on the left has a messy raven hair with dark crimson eyes, while the man on the left has an attractive amber eyes with a streak of white hair standing amidst the brown majority of his hair. They were both men from noble families, seeking for the hand of the most rumored woman, Yaya.

Before them was a young lady standing menacingly with cheerful blue eyes but her smile is on the contrary. It was giving them warning signs as to retreat and forget about their attempt on marrying her master. "So then, are your noble asses worthy of my beloved Lady Yaya?"

The man who has brown hair waved his hand, trying to calm her irritation, "My, my. What a possessive young lady you are Miss Ying."

"Tch. What a nuisance." The man with raven hair muttered, eyes boring at her now irritated ones.

The young lady, whose name is Ying, grinned at them in an unfriendly voice, hands covering her wicked smile, "I'll make sure none of you can get a chance on my Lady."

"With the status that you are in, aren't you embarrassed on how you're treating us, shrimp?" Crimson eyes threw her an arrogant look.

She countered it with a dark and menacing look, "I am very aware of that Sir Fang. Between status and wealth, I may just be a commoner but recently I have attained a status that can match your arrogance. And remember this, you are in my Lady's place. Hehe," she chuckled, "I may be young but I literally can bring you down behind the Lady's eyes. Tehehehe."

The brown haired man smiled at the two as he sweat dropped. He stared on the floor made  from expensive and strong woods and sighed. He never knew that only two of them had survived the most demanding test before courting or getting close to Lady Yaya.

He sighed again remembering how hard it was to use full strength and knowledge on the test. Who knew how hard and demanding it was just to take the hand of the woman he deeply love? He looked at the young lady in front of them who was now exchanging irritated bellows to this man beside him. She wasn't just any young lady to be messed up with.

She was the one who insanely created the demanding test to see how much love and how strong their devotion to her Master is.

Despite how many sighs he give, he also counters it with smiles to cheer himself up. He can do this.

He heard her yelling, "Men are the ones who should fear women! Just you wait and see us be the top of society!"

"Where's your master anyway? She should be here instead of a blabbering unattractive shrimp like you yelling at us. And if you're so possessive about that woman, why didn't you join the test you've made and just marry her?" The man beside him asked, uninterested.

"What do you think of me? A man?" The girl shrieked. Her eyes would go berserk whenever she speaks about men. Just what is her problem anyway?

The man blew bored sighs at her, "Oh, I thought you are." And then grinned mischievously at her now red and mad face.

"Why you-"

"Please, calm yourself on these noble men, Ying." A calm voice instantly gave life and nervous beats on the quiet man's heart.

She stood there on the doorway, smile plastered on her mouth but one thing that seems to bother him was her eyes.

Her beautiful brown eyes. They used to be full of life when he last met her. She was wearing a  pink dress with puffy skirt that reached down her ankles. She was covering her head and hair with a pink hijab which showed how beautiful her jawline was.

Ying instantly switched her mood into a cheerful one, "My Lady! I'm greatly sorry but I was just entertaining them. Have a sit, please."

Entertain? The crimson eyed man snorted.

The head of the mansion quietly did as she looked at the men before her. "Now then, I congratulate you for your hard work on the test Ying had splendidly devised. What do you think of it?"

"I-It's hard but we managed to become successful." The man with brown hair replied after a long pause from his comrade.

"My, my. I'm sorry for being rude. Would you please introduce yourselves, gentlemen?"

Before he could introduce himself, the raven haired man stood and bowed gracefully at her, "I am Fang and I came from the noble family of the West. I am the second son of the West governor. I am truly humbled to meet your presence, Lady Yaya."

Yaya heard Ying clicked her tongue in annoyance. "Oh my. Looks like Ying had finally made a friend."

"Are you kidding? That rude man will never be my friend!"

Her eyes lightened as she laughed, "You're really adorable when you're annoyed, Ying."

The younger woman blushed at her compliment, "B-But!"

"I'm sorry, gentlemen. Even if we aren't related, I consider Ying as my younger sister. She has been with me through thick and thin. I'm sorry if she's sometimes loud and uptight." She chuckled, tapping Ying's hand.

The men noticed her once annoyed expression eventually turned into pure shyness. For some reason, this has caught the attention of the man named Fang.

Yaya returned her sight to the other suitor, "Oh! I'm sorry! Please introduce yourself,"

He stood slowly and with shaking legs, he managed to bow his head down, "I'm- I'm Boboiboy. I am the only son of the North ambassador and I am truly grateful to meet you in person, Lady Yaya!"

What a shy and a feeble guy. Why was he even here anyway? Ying thought to herself. At least I can feel that he's not rude just like that arrogant Spikehead- wait, why is he smiling at me?

"Nice to finally meet you both in my mansion. I am looking forward to whoever shall take my hand as his wife. Now, please listen to Ying as she explains you what the final test is all about."

She bowed respectfully at her and as she faced them, her once cheerful aura was clouded with an annoyed look. "Now that strength and knowledge had been measured, the last part of this test is to prepare your soul. Lady Yaya-" somehow her face fell in sadness for a second but she went back to the state she was in, "shall choose who is going to be her husband for life."

"This may look simple but a woman's heart can be unwavering if she would ever decide to let you in her life. Each of you shall spend a month at Lady Yaya's side and during that time, you must convey how much you truly love her. Of course, no touching even a single hair from her! Until then, the Lady of this House will announce whom she shall marry. Now then, you wealthy noble asses," she gave the two men a pure smile, eyes telling them to do their best on making her master happy. She bowed at them in utmost respect, "do your best, gentlemen."

Yaya smiled at them.

Weird, but I'm still confused on the timeline of this story- would it be nice if the setting is in modern or in the past? Anyway, hope you enjoyed reading.

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