A Cup of Joy and Hope

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After taking the orders of a young couple I made my way to the back of the café. I quickly took the next orders and then I slid into a chair in the corner with a cup of hot chocolate in hand. I had just began to relax when someone stepped in.

I looked up and saw a young man around my age. Looking at him I would have guessed that he was an actor. He took a seat and I made my way towards hims so that I could take his order.

"Hello sir, my name is Emily and I will be your waitress today. What can I start you off with?" I said brightly.

He looked up at me and smiled, "Well you seem to know more about the food than I do what do you suggest?" He said in a thick British accent.

"So he is an actor." I said to myself with a small grin. I preceded to tell him some of my favorite pastries and such and he made his order.

When he left I looked on after him and grinned. He was a nice fellow, someone who seemed to be perfect in almost every way.


The weeks went by and he became a regular customer. His name was Aaron and he was, in fact, an actor (but we agreed we would keep that to ourselves).

He came and visited me every once in a while and kept me company. In ways that I did not know were possible, he gave me hope. Most people considered me to be quite successful, which I was, just sometimes
I wished that I could be better. I wanted a family and a new life.

After several months Aaron asked me out on a date I agreed and we went to the restaurant downtown. We talked and laughed.  

We both talked about our plans for the future and I felt something that was not easy to come upon, Joy.
Everybody has joy....and hope in them, but I guess it takes someone special to reveal it.

I then stood up with my cup of hot chocolate in hand, "To joy and hope, in a future only seconds away!" I said in a loud voice.

Everyone in the restaurant raised their glasses and repeated me. They all burst into applause and Aaron hugged me. A cup of joy and hope.

To JOY and to HOPE.  

A Cup of Joy #LookingForAlaskaContestWhere stories live. Discover now