a kiss with noah

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  Cherry blossoms tango in the wind. Cody stands behind the tree, his breath hitching. His shirt felt tight. Maybe it was because of his D cup jugs. He guessed this was not the case, but rather the fluttery butterfly nervousness in his stomach. The stupid bitch I regret birthing used the tree to hold himself up. Just as he was about to leave with his tail between his legs, he heard the dry grass crunch.    "Cody-chan?" the voice rang out. When Cody peeked from behind the tree, he saw the man of his whirlwind thoughts. Noah-kun!, he thought with a smile. He stepped out from behind the tree, blushing. "Cody-chan? What are you doing here? There was a note in my locker. I didn't know you wrote it. The writing was so swirly... Do you really write like that?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.    Oh, great! He has already embarrassed me, Cody thought as he bit the inside of his cheek. "Oh, well, I was hoping to tell you something important, Noah-sama..." he tried to make his voice serious, but he sounded like a girl. He cursed his voice under his breath.    Noah looked down at his polished shoes. The edges had a glimmer of green on them from running through the newly cut grass. He sighed, waving his hand. "Okay. On with it, Cody-chan."Cody smiled, holding his skirt down. There was so much wind on that lovely spring day. Winter was still trying to hold its cold claws on their school. That reminded him of the spring dance coming up. It was disco themed.    "Noah-kun..." he softened his voice as he used a less formal honorific. "You are one of my greatest friends. You feel the same, right? Nevermind. You mustn't answer that until I finish." Cody took a step back and looked to the side. He had the option to just run. Go to the dance with a friend. No, he thought as he continued speaking. Noah had tensed up.    "When I see you every day, something... Changes, in me. I feel different. My heart flutters, maybe skips a beat, and I suddenly picture us sitting on a picnic, looking into each other's eyes, or even in a boat on a river on Mars far away, and in the distance of our boat ride Jeff Spender is letting his Captain kill him.." Cody blinked. Was that the wrong culture? It probably was. He didn't think people in Japan liked Ray Bradbury.    "Maybe I am getting off topic. Noah-kun, you mean so much to me... And, well, I love you! There. I've gone and said it! I really do like you, Noah-kun... And I was hoping, maybe, instead of Noah-kun... I could..." Cody felt his face flush. He messed with the hem of his skirt. "I could just call you Noah."    It was then Noah's turn to take a step back. After a silent while, Cody's heart dropped. "I understand. You don't like me back. Maybe it was that my chest was too big, my like of vocaloid too strong, my random Ray Bradbury references too frequent... For fuck's sake, Noah! I love you more than dinosaurs! Do you even know how much that means? You are tearing me apart. Just answer. Say yes or no. Do you like me?"    Noah was silent again and Cody cursed as he felt himself scrunch up. He lifted his foot up and kicked a pebble on the ground, looking to the side. It caught him off guard when Noah responded.    "Yes," he said hesitantly. "Yes," he said again, more thoughtfully. "I do like you, Cody-chan... Or... Cody." Noah nodded and smiled at the shorter boy. You are probably shorter than him Fish. You are shorter than everyone. Short fuck.    Cody gasped, looking up at Noah. "Noah... This means the world to me!" he smiled, laughing. They shared a kiss as the sunset glowed behind them and the tree's petals swayed in the breeze.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2019 ⏰

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