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Kim Haneul is my name and I'm a 19-years-old nerdy freshmen at Bangtan University. Bangtan University is known as the hardest college to get in and I just got in with my bestfriend, Geun Youngmi. Me and Youngmi has been best friends since diapers. Cute right? There's a boy in my class that everyone including me has been dying for his attention. 

Jeon Jungkook, the hottest guy in the University that makes all the girls drool

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Jeon Jungkook, the hottest guy in the University that makes all the girls drool. I knew that it's impossible to catch his attention or maybe just 0.000000000000001 possible. 

Youngmi-"Hanuel-ah! Let's see the test ranking!"

I nodded to Youngmi and she pulled on my wrist while leading the way to the big bulletin board that has a long list of students' names ranked according to test results. My jaws dropped and eyes widened when I saw my name in rank 1. I have beaten the top student, Jeon Jungkook!

"I....beated him..." I turned to Youngmi as she was annoyed at her ranking. I looked back at the list and saw her name at rank 26.

Youngmi-"My parents are going to kill me" 

She turned back to me and grabbed my arm with pleading eyes until her face turned bright red. I was shocked by the sudden change of expression and turned around to see Jeon Jungkook staring down at me. He raised his hand at me which made me instinctively close my eyes and look down but to my surprise, I felt his finger lift my chin.

Jungkook-"How did you beat me?"

I slowly opened my eyes to see a....smile? I can feel a thousand of jealous stares on me but at that moment, it felt like a dream. HE'S SMILING AT ME!! He then furrowed his eyebrows in confusion since I was in deep silence. He took away his fingers and intertwined my hand. 

Jungkook-"Hang out with me with my friends during lunch. You can bring your friend if you want"

Me?! Just because I beat him, I can eat with him? This became the happiest moment of my life. I was a blushing mess and I just nodded as a reply. I slowly looked up at his brown eyes while shyly smiling at him. Once he saw my smile, he looked away shyly which made me internally scream at how cute he was. I watched him as he slipped his phone out of his jean pocket and handed it to me. I looked at him confused while he was chuckling at my state.

Jungkook-"Put your phone number in it so I can call you, sexy"

Omg he's such a flirt. I'm not hating it though. I quickly placed my number on his phone and called it so I can have his on my phone. After that, I handed back his phone on his palm. The bell rang signaling that students should hurry to class. He took his hand out of mine and grabbed the back of his neck in annoyance.

Jungkook-"I guess I'll see you at lunch. See ya"

He waved goodbye at me while walking away to class. I waved back and turned to my friend who was still in astonishment. I harshly hit her shoulder which made her wince in pain.

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