Chapter 1

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A girl from Boca named Ariana never imagined that her life could change in some months and everything would be different...

Ariana arrived to the school, she saw her friends, they went to the class, tick tock, tick tock... She was so bored, she wanted to talk with her friends about her new crush.
  RINGG- It was the time for go home, and talk about her crush!

She went with her friends, her friend ashley said:
- Ariana, can you tell us about that important thing?

Ariana was worried but happy at the same time, she said:

- Oh... So... I have a new crush!

All her friends screamed and asked: WHO?
Ariana said: His name is Dylan but everyone calls him BS...

Ariana arrived to her home, her mom was waiting, she never did that before, it was weird, something happened...

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