Chapter 1

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Your POV

Ok I can't breathe or move here because my fans are surrounding me asking to sign there albums or whatever and my friend Aisha she ran away from me because she's going to be late and I know their teacher well when they are always late they will stay outside for the whole period but my teacher is different he is kinda fun and-


I turn around and saw my boyfriend or should I say playboy
Jeon Jungguk he is the biggest bully in school we dated for 2 months and I know he's cheating on me but I don't care I hate him we are dating because our parents are begging us to date just for the Jeon's company and my acting thing yes I am an actress like this young age.

You; what do you want from me I thought your with your girlfriends

Jungguk; huh?no I'm trying to protect you from your fans so you can't have trouble with yourself

You; -chuckes- what?.protecting from my fans?Aww so sweet move I'm going

Then I ran away from him and my fans just went away before Jungguk notices me

I look around the whole cafeteria to look for Aisha and Lisa my friends then I saw them in a table.
You; oh there you are guys-

Aisha looked serious even Lisa what's wrong with them and I asked them is something wrong

Lisa; what took you so long?

Aisha; yeah right

You; I was looking for you guys until I found you-

Someone touch my shoulder and I look at the person who tapped my shoulder

You; uhh excuse me may I know who you are?
???; I'm Jaemin I'm new here nice to meet you-bows-
You; oh so you're new here? I'll show you the whole school since you only the cafeteria I think
Jasmin;  sure

After I show him around the school he said thank you then went away..... Isn't it weird? He's so handsome and every time he talks sounds like an angel I jump around then far away I realized Jungguk was staring at me like a
'Wtf face' and I went to him I just acted normal and he ask me who was the guy I went with I told I just show him around the school and Jungguk knew he was a new student then he asked what was he guys name I said he's Jaemin.
Then he's face is like an 'O' face
And went away.

-After school-

You; Eomma! I'm here I'm home!!

I shouted louder so she can hear me

Eomma; your here Y/n your dad and I will go to Canada because we have seminar about our company today

You; today? Like really today?
Eomma; yes goodbye then Chris let's go

Appa; sorry Y/n we need to go

They leave.... I hate this feeling
My parents don't even have spend time with me what kind of parents are they. They just keep telling me 'Sorry Y/n I have to do something okay? You can just hang out with your friends' or they just say 'Sorry honey we have work to do' Ugh!! I hate them!! Especially Jungguk he is also busy making out with his girls or whatever so I just decided to call him? Maybe?
Then I tried to call him then he answered

-on the phone-
Jungguk; hey there why did you call?

You; uhm...can we hangout? I'm kinda bored

Jungguk; how about your parents?          Are they there?

You; they went somewhere out of this country they just have seminar thing yeah

Jungguk; -sighs- sure let's hang out I will wait for you outside

You; K bye

- after the call Jungguk arrived -

Jungguk; what place are we gonna hangout?

You; Park

Jungguk; What-

You;  Just.park.only. no arguments
Jungguk; but it's kinda boring

You;  boring? No it's not you'll see when you are at the park come on!

I grabbed his hand

- park -

Jungguk Pov

I looked at Y/n who is playing with the kids until there are many people who will go to her obviously it's her fans I sighed then I shouted at her and when she looked around she shocked
That her fans are here then she ran to me.

You; Jungguk! Do something that my fans will go away

She shooked my hand then I had an amazing idea

Jungguk; kiss me -smirks-

You;  what?! No!

Jungguk; you want your fans to get away from you right?

You; yeah! but no the kiss thing

Jungguk; come on I know you will like it

You; fine!

Then I started to pull her and held her waist I just smirk weirdly and I realized she's shaking I just told her to calm down and enjoy the kiss so Y/n gave me 'wtf face' and she came closer to my face then we kissed the way I kissed her is her lips tasted strawberry
We stopped we looked at her fans and we realized there gone I saw a smile on her face

You;  we did it? There gone....atlast no more stress

I chuckled

Jungguk; do you like the kiss?

You;  no....

Jungguk; I know you like it look at you your blushing

Then she touch her face realizing its red

You; uhmmm....none of your business we should head back home

Jungguk; when we get home let's have some fun hmm? Some where in the bed

Your pov

I gave him a death glare of what saying FUN in the BED what the heck???

You; No!! You pervert!!

I ran away from him and yeah he's chasing me


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2019 ⏰

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