Chapter 1

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Shido's P.O.V

My name is Shido and i have been using fully for weeks
(Made up a drug very silly name but yall get the picture)
I first started to use it when this dude asked Tohka out but i didn't heae her answer i just ran away with tears. Then this dude came up to me and said "hey i can see you crying take this and it will all go away".
It looked like a pill and i was sick at the time so i put it in my pocket and it got jumbled in with my medication. I took 1 then i got hooked straight away. Nobody knows that i do this because i cant tell them. Not like the care about me anyways.

(This is a depression type drug dont worry it is only for this chapter).

Tohka's P.O.V

I saw Shido taking something so i asked Kotori to tell me what it is "Stupid Shido why is he taking that stuff" she said angry what is Shido doing well im gonna go find him.

She found him in a ship yard.

"Shido!!" I yell he turned and looked at me with a help me look so i went up to him and then looked he had just taken that thing Kotori was very angry about "Shido what is that" i said with a cute look but a sad tone

"This is a drug to help me forget what happened with that dude" he said with a sad look in his eyes. I hug him and and say.

"I knew it was you. I have been trying to explain what happened but when i went into your room and found this" i pulled out a bag with the drugs and then i start to cry. Shido looks at me with a sad expression but then looks at me "i love you but you dont give a damm about me i know all of you hate me " he murmured out then realized what he said. I looked at him and kissed him then i broke the kiss and said "i love you too Shido i would never hate you dont you ever say that" "no you dont you could never love a man like me i know the truth Tohka i know you hate me" he said with a sad look then i slapped him being really mad and i said "dont say that every again i hate when you do this i love you ok" after that we kissed again he then said "will you be mine" he said in a serious tone then i looked at him and said "sure but on one condition" i said and smiled at her. He looked at me with a questioning expression "what condition" he said

"Please give up the drugs and go back to the Shido i know and love" i said with a cute expression.

Shido's P.O.V

What is up with that cute expression i just want to kiss her again so i do just that and say "i will happily give up anything for you" then kiss her again she was holding back so i pulled away and said that " i can feel you holding back and i don't know why. I going to kiss you again and go full out" she looke at me and said " you cant handle me full out" then she kissed me again and started to take off her clothes (they are 18 don't worry). I took off my shirt and then we stopped and said i love you to each other. I then told her i would love her anytime for all time then i said i love you we fell asleep luckly kotori was there and dropped us off at my room

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2019 ⏰

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