Dada! Papa

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"Dada! Papa!?"

"In a little while little one!"


"Yes we will go to Dada!"

"Dada wab! Wab! Papa wab! Wab!"

"Dada and Papa loves you too baby!"

The almost two year old baby claps his little hands in happiness with what he heard, his gummy smile is very adorable! He has a very pale skin in contrast to his very dark hair. His lips are so red like a ripe cherry.

He is looking at the man behind the wheel lovingly while he is nibbling with his toy car.

The man behind the wheel looked up the rear view mirror to check on the baby who is securely fastened in his car seat.

"No baby, dont put it in your mouth, its dirty!"

The baby just gave him his gummy sweet smile that made his eyes almost not visible from his chubby cheeks.

"Wab wab papa!"

"I love you too but dont put that toy in your mouth!"

The baby pouted a little but he smiles again when he saw something in the window that caught his attention.

They are already in the parking area and the man is looking for a good spot to park his car. Luckily he found a good one just near the entrance of the building. He unfasten his seatbelt and turned off the engine.

"Here we are little fellow!"


"Yes dada!"


The engineering foodcourt is as usual in a rowdy and noisy state as more students gather to eat their lunch. The freshmen are all tired from the whole morning of activities lead by the devil head hazer and his generals.

Even now in the foodcourt they are all cautious not to prick with the already sour mood of the head hazer.

The generals together with the head hazer are all seated in their mighty table eating their lunch. The head hazer has a scowl in his face that made the other students avoid their table.

The freshmen will constantly glance at that certain table with fear in their eyes while eating their lunch in silence.

The other higher years are all rowdy on their tables but cautious enough not to disturb the lunch of the most scary head hazer.

The foodcourt froze when a girl approached the table with a gift in her hand. All eyes are focused on the girl who has the audacity to approach the devil.

"P I have something for you! Please accept my gift! I admire you so much!" the girl confidently exclaimed. But the guy is not even giving her a glance or any sign that he have heard what she said.

"Miss just leave and bring your gift with you!" one of the generals, Lam told the girl with his serious face.

"Please accept P'" the girl insisted.

"Leave!" Park hissed.

The girl stared at the generals before she turned to look at the head hazer again.

"P' I choose this just for you! Please accept" the girl insisted vehemently.

The whole foodcourt is already in total silence with the adamant stubborness of the girl.

"Miss leave, a lot of freshmen are here, you should know better not to approach this table. You are in your second year, you should know the rules!" Lam already glares at her.

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