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"Then Team Rocket came out of nowhere and was able to get me across the ice." 14 year old Ash smiled as Pikachu nodded his head. The group was in Pastoria City's Pokemon Center.

His friends Brock, Dawn, Starmaz and Evelyn listened to his story but since Brock had already heard of the story he didn't have the same star filled gaze at the girls did. If anything he too busy checking the random girls out.

"I finally had the ice sphere in my hand when all of a sudden the collector shot at Lugia. I swear I thought I was done for when I landed into the freezing water. I thought I was going to drown. To fail everyone. Some chosen one right?" Ash sighed lightly as he played with his food.

Starmaz frowns at Ash as she, Evelyn and Dawn shook their heads. They all knew how caring Ash was so they knew he would go out of his way to help anyone.

Ash smiled suddenly. "I suddenly woke up staring at Misty and Tracey. Man was I glad to be alive but first I had to place the Sphere with the others. I pushed passed them and stumbled up the stairs where Slowking was. He told me only I could place the sphere in its rightful place. And when I did they stopped. Lugia was healed and the world was saved."

As the girls, expect Evelyn who stroked her Riolu, cheered loud sarcastic clapping was heard.

Ash blinks and turns his head. His eyes widened upon seeing who was behind him.

"Yeah great story Ash...but let's face it. This 'chosen one' stuff is a bunch of bullcrap." The boy standing behind Ash was none other than Paul. His rival.

"Paul..." Ash whispers. "And even if it was true, what's the point? If legendary Pokemon can't save themselves then how powerful are they really? It's hardly a legendary if you ask me."

"What are you talking about? It is true and even if you don't believe it that's your choice. Even strong Pokémon or people need help sometimes." Ash growls.

"Not my Pokemon. They are always strong."

"Why are you here Paul?" Dawn huffs as she held Piplup close.

"Oh excuse me Troublesome didn't realize there were little kids at the table." Paul sneered.

Dawn growls. "My name is Dawn! D-A-W-N!" Dawn snaps and would have attacked Paul if Brock had not held her back.

Starmaz and Evelyn looked at Paul confused as they had yet to meet him. "Ash who's this?" They asked as one. Starmaz was hugging her Pokemon Sebby and Mimikyu to her chest as Evelyn looked bored.

Paul looks at Ash with cold eyes making the teen flinch. "If he didn't tell you it's none of your damn business."

"Well then you better beat it plum head. We were listening to Ash speak." Evelyn glared. "And watch your fucking language. There are children around." She smirks as Dawn snickers.

"Whatever." Paul said unphased by Evelyn as he gathered his Pokeballs from Nurse Joy. "Later losers." He then turned and walked out.

Ash blinks confused. "That was strange..." He whispers as Pikachu nods. "Pika.."

Dawn nods as well. "Yeah. Paul never comes up to talk to us. It's usually the other way around. What do you think Brock?" as Starmaz cuddled Mimikyu.

"I think he's kind of mean...I mean why so cold... especially when he didn't even know the full conversation ...and he knows Ash...but how?" Starmaz was quite naive and usually had a young childlike curiosity even when she was 15.

Brock looked at Ash who was still watching the door where Paul had disappeared through. "You ok Ash?" Brock asked as he touched his friends shoulder.

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