How You Met (Child!Characters)

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Trigger Warnings: Abuse (mentioned), parental death (mentioned)

Bill: You had lived next door to the Denbrough's your entire life, but you had never dared to interact with their oldest son, Bill, until Georgie died. You knew he had only one friend, Eddie Kaspbrak, and he maybe talked to Richie Tozier every once and a while, so you decided that you would reach out and take over some brownies that you had made yourself after school one day.

You walked up to their door, taking a deep breath before knocking. Feet bounded down the steps and the door swung open, revealing Bill on the other side. He looked disappointed that it was you.

"O-oh. H-hi (y-y/n)." His stutter had gotten so much worse. "I-I th-th-th" He sighed, dragging his hand down his face. "I-I th-thought you w-were E-E-EDDIE!" He yelled Eddie's name as he looked behind you and ran to his best friend. You rolled your eyes, leaving the brownies on the doorstep.

"I made you brownies," you said as you smiled at Eddie. "Sorry about Georgie."

"You wanna hang out with us," Eddie asked as you shrugged. "I know we don't really talk to you but we could still be friends."

"I'm fine by myself, thanks," you responded as you walked back over to your house, slamming the door shut behind you.

Richie: You rushed into class, cursing under your breath as the bell rang as you were right outside the classroom. Your teacher, Mrs. Dean, looked up as you bounded into the room. She sighed, rolling her eyes.

"Right next to Mr. Tozier," she said absentmindedly. He raised his eyebrows at you as you walked up, sighing and then putting your backpack on the floor next to you. You heard him shuffle a bit in his seat, and when you peaked over, he was sliding a piece of paper across the lab table to you. Oh goody, a note. You eyed it suspiciously and then grabbed it to open it.

Call me ;) - (207)-555-3432

You scoffed, looking over at him with a hopeful look in his eyes. You rolled your eyes, sticking the paper into your backpack, actually considering calling him. You heard a tiny, triumphant 'yes' from the boy next to you and you smiled a little to yourself.

Stan: You sprinted to the quarry, trying your best to outrun Henry and his friends. When you got there, you hid behind a rock, out of breath and on the verge of tears. You didn't want to get beaten up, not on the anniversary of your mom's death. You heard screaming, laughing, then a big splash. You looked behind you and saw a group of kids, probably about your age, in their underwear jumping into the water. You snickered, hearing the familiar voice of Richie Tozier yelling at someone else.

"Come on, Stan," he screamed. "Don't be a fucking pussy." You shook your head, taking out the book you had in your bag, the yelling and screaming becoming a blur. A few minutes later, you heard footsteps coming your way and you looked up quickly, hoping that it wasn't Bowers. It wasn't. Instead, it was a boy with curly hair.

"What are you reading," he asked softly and sat down next to you. You handed him the book, watching as he took it in. "That's an old book. It's all raggedy and stuff." You looked down at it, sighing.

"I-It was my mom's," you said, running your fingers over the cover. You looked back at the boy, noticing him staring at you with a slight blush on his cheeks. "I'm (y/n)." He smiled at you.

"I'm Stan." You smiled back at him, diving into a conversation with him about books as all of his other friends left.

Eddie: The bench was cold as you sat down on it, tears threatening to spill because your boyfriend had just broken up with you in front of all of your friends. You were severely embarrassed, not wanting to ever step foot in school again. You rubbed your eyes, trying to stop them from stinging when someone cleared their throat, making you look up.

"Are you...are you alright," the small boy asked as he sat on the opposite side of the bench, unzipping his fanny pack and pulling out a couple of tissues. "Here." He pushed them into your hand, closing the pouch back up and watching you dab your eyes. "Y-you're (y/n), right? We go to school together." Now that he mentioned it, you had seen him in school. He usually hung out with Stuttering Bill or Trashmouth Tozier. You nodded, sniffling again before actually talking.

"I have seen you, but I don't know your name," you said, feeling a bit guilty. "And I feel bad that I don't because I know you're in my social studies class and-"

"Eddie," he responded, cutting you off. "My name is Eddie."

Bev: The harsh current of the quarry washed over you as you attempted to wash the blood off of your arms. On the way home, your older brother pushed you off of your bike when you mentioned Bev Marsh, probably the prettiest girl you'd ever seen. He was tired of you talking about her, it pissed him off and he had had enough. But you just went to the quarry like you usually did after he hurt you so that your dad wouldn't ask why you were bleeding. As if he'd care enough to do so.

You watched as some kids appeared at the top of the cliff, all in their underwear. You scoffed and rolled your eyes until you saw her. Bev was leading them. You sighed as you watched her jump in, hearing run of the boys yell about it after she was submerged in the water. Then one by one, they all jumped in, and you took that as your cue to leave. You waded out of the water, going to grab your flannel when you felt a hand grab yours.

"Wanna join us," asked a feminine voice. You turned around and were met with gorgeous, bright eyes looking at you hopefully. You swallowed, trying to restore your throat to a normal state as you nodded. Bev lead you in the water as your heartbeat thirty miles an hour.

Ben: The walk home from school was always a life or death situation. You had to watch out for your brother, Henry, or else he'd probably beat you up if you witnessed him beating someone else up. As you turned the corner that lead to your house, you heard yelling and screaming. You peeked and saw that it was your brother and his goons, messing with the new fat kid in your grade. You walked faster, not wanting to get involved; however, you made it a point to talk to him tomorrow.

You walked into school the next day, hoping to see the new kid. When you did, you swiftly walked over to him. You poked his shoulder, watching as he paused his Walkman and took off his headset.

"Hey. (y/n). Um, I just wanted to apologize for what my brother did to you yesterday. D-dad beats him up pretty bad, so he thinks th-that he can't beat others up, too. Are you alright? I know I should've probably stepped in, but if I did Henry would've hurt me and then Dad would've hurt him and I-" The new kid shut you up by banging his hand on the desk.

"Don't worry about it. I didn't know he went through that, but I'm still kinda pissed that he decided to come after me. I'm Ben." You smiled at him, scoffing at his response.

"Well, he usually goes after my friends," you said, sitting down in the desk next to his.

Mike: The summer breeze made you feel extremely relaxed, but all of that changed when you and your friends came across the homeschooled kid getting beat up by Bowers.

"Yo Bowers," you screamed as you took a huge stone in your hand and pegged it at his head. He turned his head, the stone hitting him square in the eye, causing him to double over and let the kid go. "Homeschool!" You tossed him a rock, watching as he bashed one of the other kid's head with it.

"Rock fight," someone yelled as a swarm of rocks made their way towards Bowers and his goons. You laughed as they scrambled up the steep, dirt hills and away from the stones. All of your friends laughed behind you as Bev hit Henry straight in the face, causing him to fall down the hill. Weakly, he cursed you all out and ran off to his buddies.

"Wow, you guys are tough," the homeschooled kid said to you all. Then he looked at you. "Especially you." You smiled at him, blushing before looking down and wringing your hands together.

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