The web chat

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3rd Person

"This is a question from @Lucy_MC and it's for Harry, Dougie, Danny and Tom. What does your sister think of all the McBusted stuff and you guys with James and Matt a lot?" Matt asked.

"She really seems to like it. As far as we know." Tom replied.

"Well Matt and James see her more than we do now so maybe they should answer." Harry grinned. James and Matt both laughed.

"She seems excited about it like she came to a couple of tour dates with us last tour and she really likes it." Danny said.

"Yeah like she asked me what the dates were so she could try to get to at least one before her exams start so she must like it enough for her to want to come and watch." Dougie added.

"She's actually here now she's just sat in the room just outside so we'll ask her." James stood up and left the room, bringing back a girl with him.

"Libs, what are your opinions on McBusted?" Harry asked the girl as she wiped her blonde, highlighted brown hair from her face.

"I think it's great. I love what you guys are doing. Even if you are 6 idiots." She smiled sweetly at them and shared a laugh.

"So that is Liberty's view on McBusted everyone!" Matt told the camera. 

"Libster come sit." Danny patted his chair. Liberty walked over and shared a chair with her brother.

"I feel as though we should introduce Libby." Matt said.

"Yeah. So for those who don't know, this is Libby. She's the baby of McBusted mainly McFly but also McBusted. She's kind of like a mascot but not. Follow her on twitter @BabyLibs." Tom spoke to the camera.

"Yeah cheers for that twitter name." Libby replied, rolling her eyes.

"No problem." Tom smirked. Someone behind the camera in another room called Libby's name. She rose and left the room after a quick I'll be right back.

"Hey guys I've just had an idea. She left her phone next to the computer. We should change all her contacts around." Harry whispered.

"Oh my gosh yes do it. Or just rename people." James laughed.

"Does anyone know her code?" Matt asked.

"I do!" Danny exclaimed. Danny picked up the phone and unlocked it. 

"Right well I think we should all be characters from Lord of the Rings. So put dad as Gandalf, mum as Galadriel and change Tom to Frodo." Harry suggested.

"Okay done." Danny replied, grinning.

"Alright so James could be... oh yes! Gollum!" Matt chuckled. 

"Why Gollum?" James laughed.

"Well there isn't a frog character in Lord of the Rings!" 

"Doug can be Pippin, Danny you can be Sam, Harry can be Merry and I'll be Aragorn!" Matt said grinning.

"Okay done. Who else?"

"She doesn't have a boyfriend does she?" Harry asked.

"No. But she's really close to a couple of people like Austin." Danny replied.

"Okay change him to Legolas."

"What about cousins? Change Carrie to Gimli. Oh and change Emma to Arwen just so she matches me." Matt added.

"Okay quick leave it at that." Dougie said. Danny locked Libby's phone and then replaced it where it had been.

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