The Transfer Jock, Part 31

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Jeff had barged into my house to find Mitchell putting the wood to me, bent over the couch with my backside to the front door. I didn't know that he had brought Dewey with him, and had immediately arranged for Dewey to step in behind me when Mitchell finished and vacated my ass. Having limited my corruption of student athletes to two (thus far), I imagined that involving a third, Dewey – Student Athlete 3 - would be the tipping point for my arrest and prosecution...

Student Athlete 1 [Jeff] was instead hiding behind the sofa laughing his ass off while 'Student Athlete 3' (as Dewey would invariably be identified in my inevitable subsequent indictment) 'anally penetrated his lascivious and depraved head football coach, who encouraged and commanded Student Athlete 3's moral degradation by shouting vile incitements to him such as 'Oh fuck yes...fuck me with your [huge student penis]...'

While I'm no lawyer, even I understood that denying emphatically that at the moment in question (or ever) I had uttered the words 'fuck me with your huge student penis,' after reluctantly admitting that I had, in fact, said rather loudly (but not shouted) 'Oh fuck yes...fuck me with your big dick,' or words to that effect, would not be an especially compelling defence. 


Nor did I believe that my explanation for using such language at that moment, which was that I had innocently believed I had been addressing Student Athlete 1 (who had not fucked me in over 12 whole hours and, as a consequence of that cruel deprivation, I was missing him terribly), and not Student Athlete 3, would tend to exonerate me in the slightest.


"But you admit that you also used such filthy and despicable language while being anally penetrated by Student Athlete 2, a minor, do you not?"

"I do not," I protested. "What I actually said to Student Athlete 2, a minor, was, 'Fuck me with your GIANT ginger"

"And it is true, is it not, that when Student Athlete 3 expressed reservations about proceeding with the act of anal intercourse, you demanded that he continue against his express wishes?

"'Demand' is such a strong word," I objected, "and I don't recall Student Athlete 3 ever expressing reservations about engaging in anal intercourse with me...see, I was confused about which student athlete was actually fucking me at the time, and he offered favor of Student Athlete 1, and I said, um, "Don't you dare fucking stop!" So, I can kind of see how you might misconstrue that as a 'demand, but I was in no position to compel him to continue.'"

"But you weren't satisfied with violating only Student Athlete 2, a minor, and Student Athlete 3, were you, Coach?" the prosecutor demanded, spitting the word 'coach' out of his mouth as if it had been a turd. "You then violated Student Athlete 1, correct?"

"I would say I was more than satisfied," I countered, "by the time, no, even before, Student Athlete 2, a minor with a huge penis, nutted explosively. And I would argue that if anyone was violated it was me, but I didn't feel violated at all."

"Sir," the prosecutor sneered, "immediately after engaging in anal intercourse with Student Athlete 2, you engaged in anal intercourse with Student Athlete 3, correct?"

"That's true," I admitted, "but the guys really handled all of the 'engaging' while I was taking care of the 'receiving.'"

"And immediately after engaging in anal intercourse with Student Athlete 3, you engaged in anal intercourse with Student Athlete 1, isn't that true?"

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